Clerical copy of tenders to supply copper received in response to the advertisement of 30 April 1717 [MINT00630 (Mint 19/2/406)] and forwarded to the Mint with MINT00636 (Mint 19/2/366):
Sr London June the 8: 1717
Underwritten have sent you my proposalls for flatting of fine copper to be coined & beg the favour of yoer intrest in my behalf I have set down the lowest price it can be done for, & believe it tis to be done the way I Propose I shall have but a few competitors I have not proposed anything concerning the refineing, because I am not accquainted the fineness of the copper to be delivered for refineing I you please S:r to direct as line to me at Will's Coffee house Cornhill when tis y:r pleasure I should wait on you, shall esteem a ꝑticular favour done. Sr Yr Most Humble Servant Gabriel Ayres
The proposer offers to recieve copper of fineness fir to flatt; & to flat such copper to a thickness fit to coin uther farthings or half pence & take back the cecill & melt & flat it again; for four pence for every pound of copper so done, & to deliver weight for weight allowing only tweny f|p|ounds ꝑ Ton for wast in melting, & to be paid in copper mony
Gabriele Ayres