Draft of MINT00706 (Mint 19/3/487) with variant figures but to the same general effect
In Obedience to your Lordship's order of reference of the 9th. instant upon the annexed representation of the Gentlemen Owners of Tin Lands in Cornwall to the Lord Warden of the Stannarys, wherein they desire that a convocation or Parliamt. of Tinners may be held before the determination of the present contract, that proper measures may be taken to sett another on foot at such price as that her Majty. may be no Looser thereby and by which such farther quantity of Tin beyond the present Stipulation be taken as may prevent the inconveniencys they now Labour under upon that account.
We humbly represent to your Lordship that we have considered the same, and upon the best computation we can make, We are humbly of opinion that, if Interest of the money advanced upon the Tin be recconed only at 5 per cent, her Majty. may afford to give £3. 10. –. per hundred Stannary Weight the Tinners paying the Coynage duty, and post groats) {sic} or an equivalent, provided that her majty takes no more Tin then the consumption may annually carry off|:| we {illeg} better {illeg} present\and we {illeg} conceive that there will remain upwards of {2000}{li} yearly by her Maty/ tto. tto. and we humbly conceive that\and upon that reckoning/ \upon {an} Equal recconing/ the{illeg}|r|e will remain\{illeg}/|ed| upwards of £2000 yearly to her majty's. advantage, to be applyed as your Lordship shall think Fitt /{ad}vantage {sic} and the better to make a Iudgment whereof |ye {illeg}|\
—e farther humbly certifie to your Lordship that by the accounts of the sale of Tin it doth appear that in the four last years there has been sold at a medium about 15{illeg}5|60| Tuns Stannary Weight per annum, which is less then the quantity received annually from both Cornwall and Devonshire by about 85|0| Tuns per annum, and \it may be recconed/ that near the same Quantity will {illeg} {happen} be yearly sold during the present Warr, but we may reasonnably h{illeg} that in time of peace a much \quantity/ will go off, which we presume\and that/ \it/ may amount to Two hundred Tuns per annum, or more.
1600. Tuns at £3. 10 | £ | 112000. | ||
Freight to London | 2142. | 16. | 9 | |
Sallaryes in London | 1350. | – | – | |
Incidents and porters In London. | 200. | – | – | |
Passing acct. | 94. | – | ||
Sallaries In Cornwall \& 30li to Truro wth Truro/ | 1540. | – | ||
Incidents In Cornwall | 700. | – | ||
Interest of £180000. as 6li | 10800. | – | ||
12{illeg}|5|826. | 16. | 3 | ||
In{illeg}|s|u{illeg}|r|ance{illeg} & accidens|t|s | 1{illeg}|45|8. | 18. | – | |
£ | 1{illeg}|30|285. | 1{illeg}|4|. | 3 | |