First cost3. 16. 0
Customes in England0. 3. 0
f|C|harges of shipping \&c/ in Engl.0. 0. 134
3. 19. 134
Freight Averidge & Post money at about 10stivers per block or about 312 st per block C}0312
Customes in Holland 12st per C}
13 Additional duty0.16
Two per cent valuation & premiū
Coquets & Custome house fees0.0120.
Boat hire & lighterage at 2st per bl.0710
B|P|orterage & housing at 2 st pr bl0710
Freight Averidge & Post money at about 10 styvers per block, boat hire & Loyghterage at 2st per block Porterage & housing at 2st per block. In all 14st per block or 5st pr C}0.G 5st
   Customes in Holland 12st pr C Additional duty 4st pr C}0. 16}{illeg}
   Valuation & premium 2 pr cent.0. 17|6|25
1. 18|7|= 3.s 7d
  3. 19 134 3. 19. 134
4. 2. 834
Cocquets & custome-house fees 1 styver per Tunn}0. 0. 0120
4. 2. 845= 4{illeg}|3|. 4{illeg}|16|st
Ensurance 1 p
Prompt payment 1 pr cent Comission 1 per cent}1745st   1. 7∟877
4.5|4|. 4,677= 44. 12.
Incidents 1 per cent - 25|6|710   0. 9,938
4. 5. 3,615-45. 4

{1}First cost per C3. 16. 0
2Customes in England saved to her Mats. per C0. 3. 0
3Charges of Shipping &c in England per C0. 0. 134
Freight at 6 styvers per C Block}Averidge at
Averidge at 3 styvers G|p|er Gilder{illeg}|6|st 910 3160 per block}
Post money 116 styver per Gilder3st23 pr C
Boat hire & literage for unlade|i|ng2 per block
Posterage & housing2 per block
Custome 12st per C Dutch wt One third Additional duty 4st per C}1615
Valuation & premium 2 per cent1615
1: 16.0. 3. 434
4. 2. 612
0. 4. 3
46G =4. 6. 912
Charge in seling at 45G
Sale at 45G per C Dutch45G. 0
{illeg} Prompt paymt 1 pr cent 0. 9
Commission 1 pr cent 0. 9
Carriage to ye City Weigh-house & weighing       for sale} 0. 112
Brokerage 0. 3
Warehouse groome 0. 412
Insuring at Sea 1 per cent 0. 9
Insuring payments 1 per cent 0. 9
Allowance for weight 0. 012
5|4|Hazzards at Sea by estimation - 9d
4 Interest of the money till pai the tin be sold & paid for about th suppose at 4 5 or about 5 pr cent for about three months arrives in Holland} 1
5 Interest of the money till the tin arrives in Holland - 1d
6 Charged pd in Holland vizt
Freight at 6st pr block}per block
Averidge at 3 st. pr Gilder6st 147160}
Post money at 116st pr Gilder
Boat hire & lighterage for unlading2About \10147160st per block or/ 334st per C.
Porterage & ho\u/sing2

First cost pr C wt3. 16. 0
Customes in England0. 3. 0
Charges of Shipping &c.0. 0. 134
Hazzards at Sea by estimation0. 0. 9
Interest of ye money till the Tin arrives in Holland0. 0. 1
Freight, Averidge, Post money, Boathire ,|&| la|i|ghterage for unlading & Porterage & housing per block 147160 stivers that is per C wt about 334 st}0. 0. 4
Duties in Holland per 104|1|140. 3. 04
4. 3. 334 pr C english

Tis therefore equal to the Merchant whether he gives 3C 16s per C at ye Tower or 4.l 3s 3d34 at Amsterdam for As 112. to 11034 so is 4. 3. 334 to 4.s 2. 4512     That is    4. 2. 4 pr C Dutch.

It is therefore equal to ye Merchant whether he gives 3£ 16s per C english weight for Tynn at ye Tower or 4. 2. 412 pr C Dutch weight for Tynn at Amsterdam in ready money, excepting that the Merchant would rather\might/ Chuse to \carry Tynn for ballast, &/ riq it at sea|.| then give 1 per cent ensurance And therefore if her Majty. Should set up an Office to collect to sell at Amsterdam for ready money at a part wth the sales in the Tower, the price at Amstersdam should not exceed 4£ 2s 412 per C weight Dutch turne should not exceed 4£ 2s 4d12 turned into Dutch money, the Queen bearing the Charges of the Office & Warehouse room, & of the carriage to the city w{illeg}|e|igh-house & brokerage weighing for sale \& the City Duty/ & The B{illeg}|r|okerage may be set against the\being/ born by the merchant in lie{illeg}|u| of |ye| factorage of ye Pewterers in London.

But if her Maty. sells p upon p{illeg} an abatemt of 1 pr cent for prompt paymt as the Merchants do, the additional charge \& hazzard/ will be 1 pr cent promp paymt \1 per cent hazzard/ ensurance of the payments estimated at one per cent &\& 1 per cent/ interest of two months forbearance wch may be \almost/ 1 per cent more\& 1 per cent/\hazzard of the payments/ all wch will amount to 2 not exceed\recconed at/ 2s 612d, makes up the whole price per C \Dutch/ wt 4£. 4s. 10d12 to be turned into Dutch money

And the additional charge of the Merchant is 1 pr cent abated for prompt payment, 1 per cent interest of two months forbearance, 1 per cent hazzard of payments, \all/ amounting to about 2 612. Carriage to ye city weigh-house & weighing for sale 112 styver per C & Brokerage 3 styvers per C {illeg}? amounting to {illeg} warehouse room for a month or two 14 styver per C custom Reward for selling 1 per cent. All amounting to about 3s 9d. wch added to 4. 2. 412 makes 4. 6. 112


50 styvers = 54 pence = 212 Gilders.                 106. 120 + {illeg}|1|1034 . 12|1|2 :: 443. 448 1|4|s. 6d 20s :: 212 G. 504 1/2G = 1009G = 11G19 2st 29                          {illeg}8825. 8925 1|2|12. 240 :: 106.st 120d :: 7912 x 12. 79 1/2 x 10610 = 7950 20|4|. 212 :: 120. 106 :: 8014 x 12.

23479. 26880 :: 31
3401) 23479 )|(| 6∟9

42. 1023 42. 212.

  {illeg}  53165
42. 8
 2. 2∟4
44. 17∟466
41 5265
  83. 1112
11158( 996 (83
1008   3
100) 168 (1∟68

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford, OX1 2RL - newtonproject@history.ox.ac.uk

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