First cost | 3. 16. 0 |
Customes in England | 0. 3. 0 |
Charges of shipping &c in Engl. | 0. 0. 1 |
| 3. 19. 1 |
Freight Averidge & Post money at about 10stivers per block or about 3 st per cwt | } | 0 | 3 |
Customes in Holland 12st per cwt | } | |
Additional duty | 0. | 16 |
Two per cent valuation & premiū | |
Coquets & Custome house fees | 0. | 0. |
Boat hire & lighterage at 2st per bl. | | 0 |
Porterage & housing at 2 st pr bl | | 0 |
Freight Averidge & Post money at about 10 styvers per block, boat hire & Loyghterage at 2st per block Porterage & housing at 2st per block. In all 14st per block or 5st pr cwt | } | 0.G 5st | | |
Customes in Holland 12st pr cwt Additional duty 4st pr cwt | } | 0. 16 | } |
Valuation & premium 2 pr cent. | 0. 16 |
| 1. 17 | = 3.s 7d |
| 3. 19. 1 |
| 4. 2. 8 |
Cocquets & custome-house fees 1 styver per Tunn | } | | 0. 0. 0 |
| 4. 2. 8 | = 43. 16st |
| |
Prompt payment 1 pr cent Comission 1 per cent | } | 17st | 1. 7∟877 | |
| 4.4. 4,677 | = 44. 12. |
Incidents 1 per cent - 26 | | 0. 9,938 | |
| 4. 5. 3,615 | -45. 4 |
{1} | First cost per cwt | 3. 16. 0 |
2 | Customes in England saved to her Majestys per cwt | 0. 3. 0 |
3 | Charges of Shipping &c in England per cwt | 0. 0. 1 |
| Freight at 6 styvers per Block | } | | |
Averidge at 3 styvers per Gilder | 6st per block | } | |
Post money styver per Gilder | | 3st pr cwt | |
Boat hire & literage for unlading | 2 per block | |
Posterage & housing | 2 per block |
Custome 12st per cwt Dutch wt One third Additional duty 4st per cwt | } | | 16 |
Valuation & premium 2 per cent | 16 |
| 1: 16. | 0. 3. 4 |
| 4. 2. 6 |
| 0. 4. 3 |
| 46G = | 4. 6. 9 |
| |
Sale at 45G per cwt Dutch | 45G. 0 |
Prompt payment 1 pr cent | 0. 9 |
Commission 1 pr cent | 0. 9 |
Carriage to the City Weigh-house & weighing for sale | } | 0. 1 |
Brokerage | 0. 3 |
Warehouse groome | 0. 4 |
Insuring at Sea 1 per cent | 0. 9 |
Insuring payments 1 per cent | 0. 9 |
Allowance for weight | 0. 0 |
4 | Hazzards at Sea by estimation - 9d |
| |
5 Interest of the money till the tin arrives in Holland - 1d | |
6 Charged pd in Holland vizt | |
Freight at 6st pr block | } | per block |
Averidge at 3 st. pr Gilder | 6st | } | |
Post money at st pr Gilder | |
Boat hire & lighterage for unlading | 2 | About 10st per block or 3st per cwt. |
Porterage & housing | 2 | |
| |
First cost pr cwt wt | 3. 16. 0 |
Customes in England | 0. 3. 0 |
Charges of Shipping &c. | 0. 0. 1 |
Hazzards at Sea by estimation | 0. 0. 9 |
Interest of the money till the Tin arrives in Holland | 0. 0. 1 |
Freight, Averidge, Post money, Boathire & lighterage for unlading & Porterage & housing per block stivers that is per cwt wt about 3 st | } | 0. 0. 4 |
| |
Duties in Holland per 101 | 0. 3. 04 |
| 4. 3. 3 pr cwt english |
As 112. to 110 so is 4. 3. 3 to 4.s 2. 4 That is 4. 2. 4 pr cwt Dutch.
It is therefore equal to the Merchant whether he gives 3£ 16s per cwt english weight for Tynn at the Tower or 4. 2. 4 pr cwt Dutch weight for Tynn at Amsterdam in ready money, excepting that the Merchant might Chuse to carry Tynn for ballast, & riq it at sea. And therefore if her Majesty Should set up an Office to sell at Amsterdam for ready money at a part with the sales in the Tower, the price at Amstersdam per cwt weight Dutch should not exceed 4£ 2s 4d turned into Dutch money, the Queen bearing the Charges of the Office & Warehouse room, & of the carriage to the city weigh-house & weighing for sale & the City Duty & The Brokerage being born by the merchant in lieu of the factorage of the Pewterers in London.
And the additional charge of the Merchant is 1 pr cent abated for prompt payment, 1 per cent interest of two months forbearance, 1 per cent hazzard of payments, all amounting to about 2 6. Carriage to the city weigh-house & weighing for sale 1 styver per cwt Brokerage 3 styvers per cwt ? warehouse room for a month or two styver per cwt Reward for selling 1 per cent. All amounting to about 3s 9d. which added to 4. 2. 4 makes 4. 6. 1