Holograph copy of various of Brandshagen and the Hamiltons' expense claims, with Newton's comments and revisions
To Iohn Smart for Ballance 4. 10s. Lanthorn 2. 3s. Box scales Weights Corn tongues 11s. Assay ballance box 3s. Packing case 2s. Total 7li. 19s. 0d.
{illeg}|To| George {illeg}|Miln| |for| 350 bricks & Carriage to Aloa {sic} 9s 7d. Clay & carriage 5s. Charcoal & carriage & a cavas {sic} bagg 14s 8d. Total {3}|1|. {illeg}|9|. 3
To Mr Drummond {illeg}|f|or seven Copies of the Report for ers the Commrs of ye Treasury, Duke of Roxboroug 3 C{illeg}|o|mmrs, Sr I.N. & one to keep & for binding 5. 16. {T}|F|o|r| a j{illeg} boxes & baggs for the Ore & Report 1. 2. 0 \Total/ 6. 18
To the two Hamiltons 20li equaly. a{t}|Al|se 17. 0. 0|6|d equally. Also 3li to Iames & 4li. {illeg}|1|3s. 0 to T{ho}|om|as.
To Iames Wait at Aloa {sic} for 4 Test rings 10 Barrs & 2 bearing barrs f{illeg}|o|r a furnace 6s 2d. Shovel tongues 4s. Three new wedges 2s. 1d. New iron door 2s 4d. Steel Trowel |0.| {2}|1|. 6. 0. Hammer 1s. 2d. Other things 5d. Total 0. 17. 8
To Iames {illeg}|Wai|t for 9 barrs at 3d per lwt, Total 9s. 7d.
To Adam Drummond (\at Edinburgh/ 9 Novemb.) for Argol, Niter Arsnick, Sulphur, 10s. 2d.
To Iohn Andrews Ed|Edinburgh| (Novem 3d) for an Iron Mortar & Pestill weighing 51℔, 18s. 2d.
To Willm Fog{illeg}|o| at Edinburgh\Leith/ Nov. 1 for 4 Bushells of Carcoal {sic} 2s, 8d.
To Geo. Miln Nov. 1 at Leith for an empty Hogshead, 2s. 2|6|d.
<238v>Dr Brandshagen came to Edin{illeg}|b|urgh Octob. 13th \{illeg}|or| 1{illeg}|4|/, left Edinburgh 19th Feb. follow/ing\ | ||||
The interval is 12{9}|30| days \inclusively/ wch at 20li\s/ per diem amounts to | 130. | 00. | 00 | |
Charges of clearing the Mine | 28. | 5. | 1 | |
Furnaces coals {illeg}|&| other expences for ma{illeg}|king| the a{illeg}|ss|ays | 22. | 9. | 3 | |
For copies of ye Report & for baggs & boxes to put up the Oar {sic} | 6. | 1{illeg}|8|. | 0 | |
{illeg}|57| | {illeg}|12|. | 4 | ||
Total | 187. | 12. | 4 | |
To Iame{illeg}|s| | 14{3}|2|. | 19. | 0 | |
{illeg}|To| Iohn | 7{illeg}|4|. | 00. | 0 | |
499|9|. | 1|0|2. | 4 | ||
Paid | 150. | 0. | 0 | |
259|4|. 2. 4. |
The two Hamiltons set out Aug. 27 \or {sic} on{illeg}|th|er {sic} S{illeg}|ep|t 3/ & arrived at Edinburgh about Sept 19|4|th. From thence to Iune 2{illeg}|7| is {illeg}|2{8}5|{illeg} days wch at 10s per diem comes to 1{li}|42|li {illeg}|{1}|0s due to Iames Hamilton. And {illeg}|from| t{illeg}|o| Feb. 19th is 15|4|8 days wch at 10{d}|s| per diem amounts to 76|4|li {illeg}|0|0s due to \wch/ Iohn Hamilton represents was promissed {illeg}|to| him by the {illeg}|r|ight Honble V{illeg}|i|count Townshend then Secretary of State{,}|.| {illeg}|Bu|t the Warrant being signed before that promis was made, {illeg}|that| allowance is not inserted into it.
The two Hmiltons {sic} {illeg}|hav|e received of Brandshagen 44li. {illeg}|13|s. {illeg}|6|d.
At 2s per diem each there is due {illeg}|to| Iam {illeg}|28|li 10s. {illeg}|To| {illeg}|Thomas| {illeg}|16|{illeg}|li|. They have received {illeg} between them {illeg}|4|4. {illeg}|13|. {illeg}|6|. At 5s pr diem there is due to {illeg}|D||r| 32li. 10s. & for clearing the Mint 2{9}|8|. {illeg}|5|. 1 & {illeg}|pd| to ye two Hamiltons 44. 13. 6. Total 10{illeg}|5|. {illeg}|0|8. 7
At 10s pr diem there is due to the Dr | 65li. 0. 0 {illeg} |
44. 13. 6 | |
28. 5. {illeg}|0|1 | |
{illeg}|1|37. 18. 7 |
The {illeg}|D|rs \Assay/ Furance o{illeg}|f| iron wch he carried down from London was of no use {illeg}|.| It was thrown by{illeg}|.| It was worth about 8li. Assay scales worth about 9li. Bone ashes loose.
Six men at 10d pr diem {illeg}|18| d{illeg}|a|ys = 4li. 19s, for clearing {illeg}|t|he Mine.
Timber about 10 or {illeg}|12|\20 shillings/. Grates, Pixaxes, Wedges, &c about 40s
Messengers, Furnaces, Charcoal, Pitcoal & other Incidents 6li.