Pag. 1. lin 18. For 45li read 35li the charge of things bought in London including boxes baggs Porterage & Carriage to Eding|b|urgh
Sevel Labourers at 10d pr diem, 16 days 4.13.4
Timber 12s carriage thereof 12|1|s 6. Porters to bring it to & from the Cart 1s
An Ax hammer & barrs for a greate by the Smith at Alloa 0.16.0
Smith {sic} {L}eig{n}|{th}| for Pickaxes {illeg}|th|ree wedges & a sledge {illeg}|0|1{illeg}|0|.8
Smith {illeg}|a|t Alloa for making a|n| Pi{x}|c|k a{illeg}|n| {illeg} {too} & iron door three new wedges, a new hammer, Pair of tongues & shoevel four test rings & 12 barrs & a T{illeg}|r|owell &c } 0.17.812
M{illeg}|M|asons |&| Lime for ye furnaces 16s. Lock to ye Laboratory door 2s Table for ye Assay scales {illeg}|4|s. Twelve horse load of Pit coals 6s, Fetching 4 cart loads of sand 2s 0d. Labour 3 days in L{illeg}|ab|ouratory 2s. 6d. Two sives 5s. Total 1. 17. 6. } 1.17.6
Tobacco pipe clay from Kirharden wth carriage & a Barrel 1.16.4d
A large iron Mortar 18. 2. A small brass Mortar & Pistel |6s| 1.4.2
Workmen when the Commrs were at the Mint & Laboratory 0.3.6
Paper for ye Laboratory 1s. 4d. Messengers several times to Edinb. 1.5.9
|Candles 1s 11d|
Carrying things from Edinburgh {illeg}|to| Aloa {sic} 1.1.{illeg}|6|

Clearing the Mine, Timber, & To{illeg}|o|ls to work in ye Mine, \barrs for/ an iron grate, four Test rings, an iron door, tongues, sho{illeg}|v|el, Trowel. |Nine other barrs of iron \Candles/| } 8. |1|2|1|. {12}|9|12
Furnaces, Charcoal, Pit-coales & other incidents for assaying (vizt \to George Miln for/ bricks clay {{&}|c|}harcoal & carriage to Alloa {illeg}|1|. 9. 312. \in Charcoal at Leith 2s 8d Candles. 1s {illeg}|11|d. Charcoal at Leith 1. 18. 6/ Tobacco pipe clay from Kirharden with a Barrel to put it in & Carriage \1. 16. 4/ Two Four cart loads of s{illeg}|and| {illeg}|2|s. Masons |&| Lime for ye furnaces {illeg}|16|s. Lock to Laboratory door 2s. Table for Assay scales 4s. Twelve horse load of Pit-coals 6s. Two Mortars 1. 4. 2. Two sives 5s. Labourers in the Laboratory {{illeg}|be|t} several times 6s.Total Papers 1s. 4d. |{illeg}|+| Messengers| }
To Mr Drummond for Copies\seven fair/ Copies of the Report for the Commers of ye Report\of the Tre{illeg}|a|ry/ & others concerned, & for baggs to put the Oar {sic} into to be assayed there, & boxes {illeg}|for| the Oar {sic} into wch was sent to London. } 6. 18s.

To Iohn Smart for Ballance 4. 10s. Lanthorn 2. 3s. Box scales Weights Corn tongues 11s. Assay ballance box 3s. Packing case 2s. Total 7li. 19s. 0d.

{illeg}|To| George {illeg}|Miln| |for| 350 bricks & Carriage to Aloa {sic} 9s 712d. Clay & carriage 5s. Charcoal & carriage & a cavas {sic} bagg 14s 8d. Total {3}|1|. {illeg}|9|. 312

To Mr Drummond {illeg}|f|or seven Copies of the Report for ers the Commrs of ye Treasury, Duke of Roxboroug 3 C{illeg}|o|mmrs, Sr I.N. & one to keep & for binding 5. 16. {T}|F|o|r| a j{illeg} boxes & baggs for the Ore & Report 1. 2. 0 \Total/ 6. 18

To the two Hamiltons 20li equaly. a{t}|Al|se 17. 0. 0|6|d equally. Also 3li to Iames & 4li. {illeg}|1|3s. 0 to T{ho}|om|as.

To Iames Wait at Aloa {sic} for 4 Test rings 10 Barrs & 2 bearing barrs f{illeg}|o|r a furnace 6s 2d12. Shovel tongues 4s. Three new wedges 2s. 1d. New iron door 2s 4d. Steel Trowel |0.| {2}|1|. 6. 0. Hammer 1s. 2d. Other things 5d. Total 0. 17. 812

To Iames {illeg}|Wai|t for 9 barrs at 312d per lwt, Total 9s. 7d.

To Adam Drummond (\at Edinburgh/ 9 Novemb.) for Argol, Niter Arsnick, Sulphur, 10s. 2d.

To Iohn Andrews Ed|Edinburgh| (Novem 3d) for an Iron Mortar & Pestill weighing 51, 18s. 2d.

To Willm Fog{illeg}|o| at Edinburgh\Leith/ Nov. 1 for 4 Bushells of Carcoal {sic} 2s, 8d.

To Geo. Miln Nov. 1 at Leith for an empty Hogshead, 2s. 2|6|d.

Dr Brandshagen came to Edin{illeg}|b|urgh Octob. 13th \{illeg}|or| 1{illeg}|4|/, left Edinburgh 19th Feb. follow/ing\
The interval is 12{9}|30| days \inclusively/ wch at 20li\s/ per diem amounts to 130.00.00
Charges of clearing the Mine 28.5.112
Furnaces coals {illeg}|&| other expences for ma{illeg}|king| the a{illeg}|ss|ays 22.9.3
For copies of ye Report & for baggs & boxes to put up the Oar {sic} 6.1{illeg}|8|.0
{illeg}|57| {illeg}|12|. 412
Total 187.12.412
To Iame{illeg}|s| 14{3}|2|.19.0
{illeg}|To| Iohn 7{illeg}|4|.00.0
Paid 150.0.0
259|4|. 2. 412.

The two Hamiltons set out Aug. 27 \or {sic} on{illeg}|th|e{sic} S{illeg}|ep|t 3/ & arrived at Edinburgh about Sept 19|4|th. From thence to Iune 2{illeg}|7| is {illeg}|2{8}5|{illeg} days wch at 10s per diem comes to 1{li}|42|li {illeg}|{1}|0s due to Iames Hamilton. And {illeg}|from| t{illeg}|o| Feb. 19th is 15|4|8 days wch at 10{d}|s| per diem amounts to 76|4|li {illeg}|0|0s due to \wch/ Iohn Hamilton represents was promissed {illeg}|to| him by the {illeg}|r|ight Honble V{illeg}|i|count Townshend then Secretary of State{,}|.| {illeg}|Bu|t the Warrant being signed before that promis was made, {illeg}|that| allowance is not inserted into it.

The two Hmiltons {sic} {illeg}|hav|e received of Brandshagen 44li. {illeg}|13|s. {illeg}|6|d.

At 2s per diem each there is due {illeg}|to| Iam {illeg}|28|li 10s. {illeg}|To| {illeg}|Thomas| {illeg}|16|{illeg}|li|. They have received {illeg} between them {illeg}|4|4. {illeg}|13|. {illeg}|6|. At 5s pr diem there is due to {illeg}|D||r| 32li. 10s. & for clearing the Mint 2{9}|8|. {illeg}|5|. 112 & {illeg}|pd| to ye two Hamiltons 44. 13. 6. Total 10{illeg}|5|. {illeg}|0|8. 712

At 10s pr diem there is due to the Dr 65li. 0. 0 {illeg}
44. 13. 6
28. 5. {illeg}|0|112
{illeg}|1|37. 18. 712

The {illeg}|D|rs \Assay/ Furance o{illeg}|f| iron wch he carried down from London was of no use {illeg}|.| It was thrown by{illeg}|.| It was worth about 8li. Assay scales worth about 9li. Bone ashes loose.

Six men at 10d pr diem {illeg}|18| d{illeg}|a|ys = 4li. 19s, for clearing {illeg}|t|he Mine.

Timber about 10 or {illeg}|12|\20 shillings/. Grates, Pixaxes, Wedges, &c about 40s

Messengers, Furnaces, Charcoal, Pitcoal & other Incidents 6li.

The Hamiltons arrived at Edinburgh Oct 13th Sep 14. The Doctor Octob. 13. The Hamilton & the Dr came away Feb 19th following
To the Dr from Octob 13 to Feb 19th 128d exclusively 128li.0.0
For clearing the Mine 0.0.0
To Iame|s| Hamilton from Sep 1{illeg}|4| to Feb 19, 157 days 78.10.0
To Tho. Hamilton for ye same time 78.10.0
To Iames from Feb 19 to Iune 1|2|9 |130| 65.0.0
pd 150
To the Dr for 129|8|days & Hamilton for ye same time \at 1li per day/ \by the Warrant of his Royal Hi/|ghnes| 129|8|.00.00
To Iames Hamilton for 158 days \at 10s per day/ |by the same warrant| 79.00.00
To ye Dr for clearing the Mine |& for Pickaxes Wedges Grate &c| 7|8|.{illeg}|14|.0{illeg}|9|
To ye Dr for copies, baggs & boxes 5|6|{illeg}|18|.0
To ye Dr for Furnaces charcoal &c 5|6|. 1{illeg}|1|. 0|1|12
To Iohn Hamilton for 158 days 79.0.0.
To Iames Hamilton since Feb 19, {illeg}|1{3}0| days \about 25|0|li/ {illeg}|a|t {2}|{3}|{4}|| pr day {illeg}|20|.0.0.
Paid Iames Hamilton |{illeg}|21||{illeg}li. {illeg}|10|s. {illeg}|3|d. |Pd| To Iohn 23li. 3s. 3d. Due to Iames |7|7{9}. 9. 9
{illeg}|To| Iam|ohn|s 55. 1{0}|6|. {illeg}|9|. To ye Dr – 172. 13. 6 + 15. 2. 1012 = 187. 16. 412 – 150li = 37. 16. 412. To Mr Drummond 6. 18. 0.

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

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