Pag. 1. lin 18. For 45li read 35li the charge of things bought in London including boxes baggs Porterage & Carriage to Edinburgh
Sevel Labourers at 10d per diem, 16 days 4.13.4
Timber 12s carriage thereof 11s 6. Porters to bring it to & from the Cart 1s
An Ax hammer & barrs for a greate by the Smith at Alloa 0.16.0
Smith at {L}ei{th} for Pickaxes three wedges & a sledge 010.8
Smith at Alloa for making an Pick an iron door three new wedges, a new hammer, Pair of tongues & shoevel four test rings & 12 barrs & a Trowell &c } 0.17.812
Masons & Lime for the furnaces 16s. Lock to the Laboratory door 2s Table for the Assay scales 4s. Twelve horse load of Pit coals 6s, Fetching 4 cart loads of sand 2s 0d. Labour 3 days in Labouratory 2s. 6d. Two sives 5s. Total 1. 17. 6. } 1.17.6
Tobacco pipe clay from Kirharden with carriage & a Barrel 1.16.4
A large iron Mortar 18. 2. A small brass Mortar & Pistel 6s 1.4.2
Workmen when the Commissioners were at the Mint & Laboratory 0.3.6
Paper for the Laboratory 1s. 4d. Messengers several times to Edinb. 1.5.9
Candles 1s 11d
Carrying things from Edinburgh to Alloa 1.1.6

Clearing the Mine, Timber, & Tools to work in the Mine, barrs for an iron grate, four Test rings, an iron door, tongues, shovel, Trowel. Nine other barrs of iron{.} Candles } 8. 11. 912
Furnaces, Charcoal, Pit-coales & other incidents for assaying (vizt to George Miln for bricks clay {c}harcoal & carriage to Alloa 1. 9. 312. in Charcoal at Leith 2s 8d Candles. 1s 11d. Charcoal at Leith 1. 18. 6 Tobacco pipe clay from Kirharden with a Barrel to put it in & Carriage 1. 16. 4 Four cart loads of sand 2s. Masons & Lime for the furnaces 16s. Lock to Laboratory door 2s. Table for Assay scales 4s. Twelve horse load of Pit-coals 6s. Two Mortars 1. 4. 2. Two sives 5s. Labourers in the Laboratory {bet} several times 6s. Papers 1s. 4d. + Messengers }
To Mr Drummond for seven fair Copies of the Report for the Commissioners of the Treasury & others concerned, & for baggs to put the Ore into to be assayed there, & boxes for the Ore which was sent to London. } 6. 18s.

To John Smart for Ballance 4. 10s. Lanthorn 2. 3s. Box scales Weights Corn tongues 11s. Assay ballance box 3s. Packing case 2s. Total 7li. 19s. 0d.

To George Miln for 350 bricks & Carriage to Alloa 9s 712d. Clay & carriage 5s. Charcoal & carriage & a canvas bagg 14s 8d. Total 1. 9. 312

To Mr Drummond for seven Copies of the Report for the Commissioners of the Treasury, Duke of Roxboroug 3 Commissioners, Sir I.N. & one to keep & for binding 5. 16. For boxes & baggs for the Ore & Report 1. 2. 0 Total 6. 18

To the two Hamiltons 20li equaly. Alse 17. 0. 6d equally. Also 3li to James & 4li. 13s. 0 to Tomas.

To James Wait at Alloa for 4 Test rings 10 Barrs & 2 bearing barrs for a furnace 6s 2d12. Shovel tongues 4s. Three new wedges 2s. 1d. New iron door 2s 4d. Steel Trowel 0. 1. 6. . Hammer 1s. 2d. Other things 5d. Total 0. 17. 812

To James Wait for 9 barrs at 312d per pound weight, 9s. 7d.

To Adam Drummond (at Edinburgh 9 Novemb.) for Argol, Niter Arsnick, Sulphur, 10s. 2d.

To John Andrews Edinburgh (Novem 3d) for an Iron Mortar & Pestill weighing 51, 18s. 2d.

To Willm Fogo at Leith Nov. 1 for 4 Bushells of Charcoal 2s, 8d.

To Geo. Miln Nov. 1 at Leith for an empty Hogshead, 2s. 6d.

Dr Brandshagen came to Edinburgh Octob. 13th or 14, left Edinburgh 19th Feb. following
The interval is 130 days inclusively which at 20s per diem amounts to 130.00.00
Charges of clearing the Mine 28.5.112
Furnaces coals & other expences for making the assays 22.9.3
For copies of the Report & for baggs & boxes to put up the Ore 6.18.0
57{.} 12. 412
Total 187.12.412
To Iames 142.19.0
To John 74.00.0
Paid 150.0.0
254. 2. 412.

The two Hamiltons set out on the Sept 3 & arrived at Edinburgh Sept 14th. From thence to Iune 27 is 2{8}5 days which at 10s per diem comes to 142li {1}0s due to James Hamilton. And from to Feb. 19th is 148 days which at 10s per diem amounts to 74li 00s which John Hamilton represents was promissed to him by the right Honourable Vicount Townshend then Secretary of State. But the Warrant being signed before that promis was made, that allowance is not inserted into it.

The two Hamitons have received of Brandshagen 44li. 13s. 6d.

At 2s per diem each there is due to Jam 28li 10s. To Thomas 16li. They have received between them 44. 13. 6. At 5s per diem there is due to Dr 32li. 10s. & for clearing the Mint 28. 5. 112 & paid to the two Hamiltons 44. 13. 6. Total 105. 08. 712

At 10s per diem there is due to the Dr 65li. 0. 0
44. 13. 6
28. 5. 0112
137. 18. 712

The Drs Assay Furance of iron which he carried down from London was of no use . It was thrown by. It was worth about 8li. Assay scales worth about 9li. Bone ashes loose.

Six men at 10d per diem 18 days = 4li. 19s, for clearing the Mine.

Timber about 20 shillings. Grates, Pixaxes, Wedges, &c about 40s

Messengers, Furnaces, Charcoal, Pitcoal & other Incidents 6li.

The Hamiltons arrived at Edinburgh Sep 14. The Doctor Octob. 13. The Hamilton & the Dr came away Feb 19th following
To the Dr from Octob 13 to Feb 19th 128d exclusively 128li.0.0
For clearing the Mine 0.0.0
To Iames Hamilton from Sep 14 to Feb 19, 157 days 78.10.0
To Tho. Hamilton for the same time 78.10.0
To James from Feb 19 to Iune 29 65.0.0
paid 150
To the Dr for 128 days at 1li per day by the Warrant of his Royal Highnes 128.00.00
To James Hamilton for 158 days at 10s per day by the same warrant 79.00.00
To the Dr for clearing the Mine & for Pickaxes Wedges Grate &c 8.14.09
To the Dr for copies, baggs & boxes 618.0
To the Dr for Furnaces charcoal &c 6. 11. 112
To John Hamilton for 158 days 79.0.0.
To James Hamilton since Feb 19, 1{3}0 days about 20li at {4} per day 20.0.0.
Paid James Hamilton 21li. 10s. 3d. Paid To John 23li. 3s. 3d. Due to James 77. 9. 9
To Iohn 55. 16. 9. To the Dr – 172. 13. 6 + 15. 2. 1012 = 187. 16. 412 – 150li = 37. 16. 412. To Mr Drummond 6. 18. 0.

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

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