Proposals for measures to eliminate counterfeiting
19th: August 1720.
I presume to Acquaint your Honour that I have for many Years last past Imployed my whole time, and much money in the Publick service, wherein I have been so successful that the Government has had grat Benefit thereby without my being Reimbursed my charges, much less Rewarded for my service, altho I Produced ample Certificates signed by several Members of the Honoble {illeg}|H|ouse of Commons to prove my Perf{illeg}|o|rmance, Notwithstanding which (tho the Treatment I have had might have Discouraged any one from further Endeavours to Serve the Government yet it doth not me for) I am Earnestly desirous to Exert myself therein to my lives end.
I have a Proposall to make to your Honour Relating to the Coin, whereby the Salaries of the Master Worker, Master Melter, and the Master Graver of the Mint will be Encreased at least Two hundred Pounds yearly or as your Honour shall think fit, and the Government save between Fifteen, and Twenty Thousand Pounds Per Ann. Which I humbly hope will be Esteemed a Matter of such Consequence as to have the Management thereof under the Conduct of Five Comissioners (whereof yourself to be one) seperate from the present Comissioners of the Mint. And that his Majty King George wou'd be graciously pleased to Grant his Letters Patents under the Great Seal of Great Britain to Constitute such Ne{illeg}|w| Comissioners and their Heirs for ever Comissioners in Fee for Manageing the Coin in the Method I shall make known to your Hour (if permitted so to do) with the yearly Salary of Five hundred Pounds each.
Those who I wou'd Recomend to be joyned with yor Honour in the Comission are
His Grace Duke Chancious or Ralph Freman Esqr.
The Right Honoble Richard Hambin Esqr
Ioseph Blake of Red Lyon Square Esqr
and myself.
The Method found out by me will Effectually at all times hereafter prevent the Currant Coin thos this Kingdom being Counterfeited, whereby the lives of many persons in time to come will be saved, who else might suffer the L{aw} for Counterfeiting.
When this is put in Practice here|,| f|t|he Vse of it will be so easily deserned, that not only all Courts in Europe, but those of other Countries all over the World, where the Mettalls of Gold, and Silver are Coined, will take the same way to prevent Counterfeiting. But Great Britain being the first who Introduces the same into the World, will ad {sic} much to the glory of the British Nation, and be {illeg}|so| Remarkable, and Memorable, as to be Recorded amongst the many Great things done by his Majty, in this his happy Reign, and Great Honour to yourself, by being done during the time of your honours having the cheif {sic} Direction of the Coinage
What Remaines to Conclude these, is that your
honour wou'd be pleased to permit me to speak with
you fully on this matter I am
Yor Honnours
most obedient Servant
Iohn Rotherham