
{illeg} grains {illeg}
upon 47. Iorneys amounts to 5 grains & 34 upon a pound weight.

The Moneyers were paid at first 2d pr pound for coined the copper afterwards they had three farthings more whereof 212 farthings were paid by Mr Appleby & 12 a farthing by Sr Isaac, & afterwards the whole three farthings were paid by Appleby

Moneyers 2d.
Ingraver 14.
Smith 14.
|Sr| Isaac 1.

Sr Isaac out of his penny paid

16s. pr tun to Mr Morgan

5s. pr tun to Mr Lowe, & 4s for each delivery to F. Child.

The Dr charges 14d pr pound which per tun amount to £. 2. 6. 8.


Account of the distribution of the 312 akcrued for coinage of copper

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

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