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{illeg} grains {illeg}
upon 47. Iorneys amounts to 5 grains & 34 upon a pound weight.

The Moneyers were paid at first 2d per pound for coined the copper afterwards they had three farthings more whereof 212 farthings were paid by Mr Appleby & 12 a farthing by Sir Isaac, & afterwards the whole three farthings were paid by Appleby

Moneyers 2d.
Ingraver 14.
Smith 14.
Sir Isaac 1.

Sir Isaac out of his penny paid

16s. per tun to Mr Morgan

5s. per tun to Mr Lowe, & 4s for each delivery to F. Child.

The Dr charges 14d per pound which per tun amount to £. 2. 6. 8.


Account of the distribution of the 312 akcrued for coinage of copper

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
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