
To the Rht. Honble. the Lords Commissrs. of his Majtys. Trery.

A Report of the Officers of His Majtys. Mint

May it please Yr. Lopps

In obedience to Yr. Lordpps Reference of the 17°th. Instant, Wee have considerd the annexed Petition of daniel Crichlow Cittizen & Button-maker of London; And do find, that the Press of Gerrard Bovey was not licensed by Yr. Lopps as is alleged by Crichlow, but only permitted him by some of the Officers of the Mint, upon his giving security that ye Press should not be used any other ways, but in making of buttons only; and to deliver it back into the Mint upon demand.

That this was done before the late Act of Parliamnt. which makes it Treason to have a Press for Coining; and therefore Wee have called it in, conceiving that such a precedent may be dangeous for increasing ye Number of such Presses, 'til they become so common, as to be lyable to great abuse

That Yr. Lopps have authority by the late Act of Parliament aforesaid to Licence such Presses: But in what cases such Licence may be granted, without danger of abuse; Wee humbly submitt to Yr. Lo.pps Wisdom to determine

Is. Newton


Tho: Neale

Tho: Molyneux


Report {of the} Officers {of the} Mint on ye Petn of Daniel Chrichlow

My Lords think it {dangerous} to give any {lycence}

[1] Tower Mint Office

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