
The Memorial of Ino Applebee & Henry Hines.

Humbly Sheweth.

That they being the Persons Imployed to serve His Majties: Mint with Copper for the Coynage of halfe pence & farthings. Humbly Beg leave to Represent to Yor: Lordships. That itt is Now Three Months since Yor: Lordships, was pleased to put a stop to the Coynage which has been a very great Loss to us, haveing been att the Expence of Keeping severall servants, And paying Rent for a Mill for drawing the Copper Barrs{sic} (which cannot \be/ Imploy|'d| to any other Vse) besides having a large quantity of Copper{sic} Amounting to Vpwards of a Thousand pounds{sic} prepared{sic} ready to Import into His Majties. Mint. And haveing a few days after the stop gott finished New Rooles. Whereby wee are Engabled to prepare the Copper Smoother{sic} which will make the Mony More beautifull then, Any heither {sic} to has been done,

|Wee| Therefore Humbly prays Yor: Lordships. would

be pleased to give Orders{sic} That wee may{sic} Import the

Copper{sic} wee have prepared{sic} into His Majties: Mint &c

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