
The Memorial of Ino Applebee & Henry Hines.

Humbly Sheweth.

That they being the Persons Imployed to serve His Majesties Mint with Copper for the Coynage of halfe pence & farthings. Humbly Beg leave to Represent to Your Lordships. That itt is Now Three Months since Your Lordships, was pleased to put a stop to the Coynage which has been a very great Loss to us, haveing been att the Expence of Keeping severall servants, And paying Rent for a Mill for drawing the Copper Barrs (which cannot be Imploy'd to any other Vse) besides having a large quantity of Copper Amounting to Vpwards of a Thousand pounds prepared ready to Import into His Majesties Mint. And haveing a few days after the stop gott finished New Rooles. Whereby wee are Engabled to prepare the Copper Smoother which will make the Mony More beautifull then, Any hither to has been done,

Wee Therefore Humbly prays Your Lordships would

be pleased to give Orders That wee may Import the

Copper wee have prepared into His Majesties Mint &c

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