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The Deposicon of Ino. Pithall of Norwich Court {e}ver agt. the May poll in the Strand East Smithfield taken this 9th. day of Iuly 1698

He saith that he hath known F:rdinando Croudson these 5 yeares and yt. abot. 4 yeares ago he saw the said Croudson at Eggermond abot 4 miles from Whit:haven, and that he the said Croudson had yn counterfeit money (atlest {sic} 5s) newly cast in imitacon of old hammerd money And yt. abot. a fortnight ago the said Croudson came to the Deponts. house being latly come fro Holland and had then Two Counterfeit Dollaws and two counterfeit English shillings mill'd money, and acknowledged to the Depont that he made them himselfe and put severall Mixtures into them And that on Thursday was a Fortnight he came againe to the Deponent's house, and on Saturday following being the 25th. day of Iune he sent the Depont. to the Black Lyon in Foster Lane to buy a pair of Iron Flasks for which the Depont. gave 1s. 6d. and that the night before the Deponent fetcht abot. 2 quarts of sand to cast in from Mr. Scotts the Corner house going into Sr. William Warren's square near King Edward stairs in Wapping And that on the said Saturday was a fortnight he melted down a small parcell of Dutch money and cast five English counterfeit Milld shillings. And the same night he sent ye Depont. to a pewterer to buy half a pound of Block Tinn and a quartr. of a pound of Tin-glass and melt:d the same in a Crucible and poured the metal into a Mold made with the Flasks and sand above menconed and that he thus cast at lest {sic} 4 times making 6 counterfeit shillings at a time and ye Depont saw him cast and edge the said Counterfeit shillings and Mold the Flasks in which he cast them and that he also saw him case the 5s. above menconed and that he edged the sd counterfeit money with a File

The Depont. sayth also that on W:dnesday was {Tonnight} he saw the said Croudson wash over with Aqua Fortis a Silver Ginea {sic} which he said he brought from Holland and then ruff it over with Quick Silver and dry it upon charcole fire and the Ginea {sic} turned yellow like good gold and that he took the Quick silver out of a Chest which he said he brought from Holland <3r> He saith also yt. the said Croudson told the Depont. yt. he had been Prisoner in Chester, and made his escape by giving the Keeper a Br{i}{ck} of 30 Gineas {sic}

He saith also yt. a Chest and portmanue found in ye Deponts house with files Metalls and other things things in them belongd. to ye said Croudson and that he saw the said Croudson put into yt. chest ye File with which he edged the false money above menconed

He saith also that a counterfeit shilling which he dropt in the hosue of Sr. Robt. Ieffreys was made by the said Croudson

He saith also yt abot. 3 yeares ago he received counterfeit mony of Thomas Pithall of Broughton beyond Cartnall Sands in Lancashire and yt. the said Tho Pithall and Croudson were Fellow Shop Keepers at the said Broughton near Dutton Bridge

The Depont. saith also that a green bagg of Coyning Tooles found by Chest:r Castle the said Croudson did own to be his and yt if he had b::n there he would have thrown them into the Ditch of the castle

The Depont saith also yt he hath heard the sd. Croudson speak of one Thomas Nelson as a coyner who is now in custody to be tryed next assizes at Lancaster


[1] 3

[2] Iurat Iuly the 9th. 1698
coram Is. Newton

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