Esther Anderson/Kelley: The Examination of Esther Anderson of Dublin in Ireland alias Esther Kelley the wife of Robert Kelley Shoemaker late of Dublin 22 August 1698
The Examinacon of Esther Anderson of Dublin in Ireland als Esther Kelley the wife of Robt. Kelley Shomaker {sic} late of Dublin 22d Augt. 98
She saith that she washt Linnin for Mr. Edward Iones als Ivie abot. 3 months before he was apprehended, and that abot. a month ago she came out of Ireland to find her husband in London and at the desire of the said Ivy's wife she called of Mr. Ivie in Chester Prison and there upon Mr Ivie told her that it lay in her way to do him a kindnes and desired her not to go from him till his wife came to him out of Ireland and the next day which was Sunday he said to this Examt. yt neither of ye two women which lived with him in Dublin. Mrs {Iones} and Mrs. Iones who undr yt name went for his wife were his wife and cursing them that now they had got of him as much as they had a mind to they would not come near him And he said further yt he had a mind to make his escape and that ye Examt. might be serviceable to him + for yt end he gave her money to buy a Salle and spatter Dashes and the Examt asking him why he would go he answerd that if he staid he must swear agt. those two men meaning Brady and Iennings and he would not be guilty of spilling of inocent blood and he was affraid yt those 2 bitches had sworn agt him and the Examt replying surly they would not offer it he answerd Lord bless me they'l do any thing they would swear agt. me she saith also that the next day which was Munday th{ese} women Mrs Iones and Ivy c{illeg}|a|me to Chester and on Wednesday following he made his escape going abot. 28 miles towards London and was retaken by the Sheriffe. She sayth also yt. the said Ivy said to her severall times yt Capt Iennings (meaning Mr Iennings above menconed) was a stranger to him and on the saturday above mencond he said that his Concience {sic} troubled him but he would tell her more of it and the next day he explained himself more at large abot it as is above menconed