
Bristoll 12 Novembr. 1698



Having Informacon that Thomas Boddily menconed in ye Examinacon of Iohn Bates was at the Bath con Iustices here caused him to be there apprehended and sent the Informacon of Bates a Copy whereof is inclosed over to Mr. Mayor and the Alderman of Bath who have since Committed Boddily to {Iuel} Chester Gaol I hear by this dayes post from Mr. Gray that Adam Clempson one of the persons named in Bates former Examinacon to be a putter of {sic} of Counterfeit money is by Iustice Gray Committed to Gaol I wish you success in the prosecution + the rooting out this Nest of Rogues and am


yor humble Servt

Iohn Blackwell Mayor


Bristoll 9ber 28 1698



I have this day an accot. from Mr. Humfries the person that there seizd Bates that wn. in London wch. he left the 10 instant he was informd by Henry Prewett late of the ꝑish of Britton near this City now Servt. to Iohn Cox who keeps the living Tyger a Shew at that time by the Stocks Markt London That Field the Engravr was come from Bristoll and used the house where that shew then was wherefore Humphrys went to that house to seek after Field but did not see him And left direccons with one Mr. Libley keeping a Glass shop near the stocks markt. to enquire after him but has not heard any thing of him so that if you cause strict search to be made and examine Prewet you may in liklyhood apprehend Field from whom a very great discovery may be expected In case Prewet be backward in the matter you may remember him he told Humphries that Smith who went hence with Field supposed to be his bror. was hanger for robbing on the highway and after Field was gone out of the house Humphries not knowing him Prewet told Humphries the man then gone forth was Field {sent} from Bristoll I am

I am {sic}


yor friend to serve you

Ino Blackwell Mayor

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