<62v> [1]

Thomas Carter's Letter to the Warden of the Mint

Sunday afternoon

|Sr.| After Mr Whitfield' was with you at the Dogg Chaloner was a litle suspicous of his fidelity to him then yesterday ye Iustice sending for both of us down in the Celler made him guilt of him but I hope I have got as good an Instrumt. if you please to think will of it will get out of him all that he has done and all that he intends I sent last night a Copy\to/ of Iustice Railton a Copy of a Note that Chaloner sent to me which Mr. Lawson has in his pocket under Chaloner's own hand which he is willing to deliver himself or sent it if you please to command Mr. Whitfield has endeavoured all he can to get more out of him as farr as is convent. but all his discourse to him is that he hopes he is a man of honour and will not talk of any thing els to him his Misstress was with me last night and fell down on her knees to me and hangd. abot. me so that I so that I {sic} had not hardly know what to do with her begging me that I would not be an evidence agt Chaloner mr Whitfield told me you would call here before session this is all I know at present from

yor Worps obedt. servt.


Tho Carter


Thomas Carter to Is. Newton Esqr Warden of his Majtys. Mint

Honord Sr.

Chaloner assisted Price with the water yt he counterfeited the Exche bill with and often proposed to counterfeit Exche Tallys if I would get people to dispose of them he urged me mightily to get him a Blanck bill of a hundred pounds to make a Plate by but because he could not perswade me to that I\he/ mightily insisted upon me to get him a written Blanck bill telling me that that was not Felony <63r> then he was at me to joyn with him to robb a house yt an acquaintance of his would set to him which had a great deal of money in it but I told him I would not have to do with any such thing but he often telling me that any way of getting of money contrary to Law was all togeather as bad as Robbery tho the Law was not so hard in some cases as others and that if I would not do it I might find out such as would if I would make it my buisines being I was so long in Newgate as I was he oftentimes melted down money and mixt it with other Metalls and made it into money again there was a piece of steel wch Chaloner had out of the Tower wch I think was never yet understood who got it for him which I can ga|i|ve a very good accot. of who and how he had it it had the impression of a Ginea {sic} but something broadr. and as thick as 4 Gineas {sic} wch. as he has often said before some People as I can produce that he can have one when he pleases These and many such like practises of his I can make out by good Witnesses if I might be heard if it be yor honour's pleasure to take any notice of wt. I say I shall for the future make it my earnest endeavr. to detect all such vice as farr as in my power lyes

and for yor honor shall ever pray

Tho Carter

Carter's Letter to mr secretary Vernon

honrd Sr

The insolent carriage of Chaloner's tongue not only to the reputaīon of the Warden of the Mint the Recorder and even yor. honor had been such and the intollerable disquiet which he begann to ga|i|ve me the very minute he came in here withot the lest reguard to my sickness which he found me in has provoked Mr. {Tre}ll the Keeper of this place to forbid his access to me his first complemt. to me being in these words vizt. wee have played the fool one with another hitherto for want of an understanding betwixt us but now if you'l joyn with me nothing hurt us + weel {sic} <63v> fun them all I askt him why he informed yor honor that I was outlawed he said because I should not be an evidence agt. him as to wt he said of yor. honour + others I ommitt yt. untill you think fitt to command I was fearefull when I was before yor honour to own any thing concerning the Coyn because of my Circumstances but I have now well considered of it and will be ingenious in declaring all I know of him as particularly to his coyning of shillings last summer I can produce another to justify it besides myself and I {p}|b|elieve I can produce some of his work all this which he has said I can bring good witnes to justify it I humbly lay my self at yor honors feet hoping yor honors. favour as I shall endeavor to deserve it

yor honour's most dutifull + most

Tho Carter

Carter's Letter to Is Newton Esqr

|Worpll Sr.|

The night before Chaloner was executed his sister and the rest of his acquaintance brought a Committmt and lodged at agt. me and with all says they'l hang me the next sessions as surly as Chaloner was hangd. I hope it is yor. pleasure now to let mee know how I shall obtaine liberty for my condicon is so that I have nothing to subsist with all I am every day threatned to be turned to the Commonside of the Prison I hear Chaloner dyed no otherwise then he lived but ꝑsisted to the last how insent he was for wt. he dyed I humbly desire yor favourable answer and wn. at liberty I shall make it my endeavor to do the Governmt wt service in me lyes as {becomes} yor worps {pesn} Servt

Tho Carter


[1] 130

[2] I shall have Irons put on me
to morrow if yor. Worp{ll} do not order
to the contrary

[3] Mr Lawson says you want one Deverell
I believe Mr Davis can tell where to find

[4] Newgate Thursday

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