James Mace: The Examination of James Mace 21 January 1700/1
|Middx Ss| The Examinaion of James Mace of St. Martins Street near Leicester feilds taken Janrij 21. 1700
This Examinant being duely Exaiedd saith & Confesseth that about 14. months agoe, he came from France into England, in order to Embrace the Protestant Religion wch accordingly he has done, And about 6. months Since he became acquainted wth one Mazey who keeps a Coffee house in George Inn in ye Strand, And after some little acquaintance, he gave him a false & Counterfeit pistole to change for him, wch he refused to change, and return'd the same back again to the said Maizey, And after yt becoming very familiar togeather, the said Maizey carryed this Examinant up 3. pair of Staires, and Shew'd him his work roome, where he did see the said Maizey make severall peices, of ye English Stamps or Coyn as also Severall out-Landish counterfeit peices of Money of the coyns of France and Spaine, And afterwards ye said Maizey and he this Exam.t did endeavour to put off one this day and never before, And further saith, that he haveing but some Money to the said Maizey to ye vallue of 3. Huineas he ye Sd Maizey left in his hands as a Security, the Severall peices of false & {Counterfeit} coyn now produced and taken in his Lodgings alleageing that they were halfe Gold. J Mace Cap.t coram me Jos. Bennett.