
To the Rt. Honble: the Lords Comm:rs of His Majestys Treasury.

The Memorial of Iohn Philips Esqr.


That whereas by a Constitution dated the 27th of April last Appointing him Weigher and Teller to His Majestys Mint, Your Lordships were pleased to Authorize him to Appoint a Deputy to be Approv'd of by Your Lordships And as Mr Robt: Lowe hath been R{illeg}|e|ccommended to Him as a Person very well Qualified for that Office he humbly proposes Him for the same, and begs Your Lordships Approbation.

We upon the recom̄endacon of Iohn Phillips Esqr Set forth in the aforegoing Memorial do Approve of Robert Lowe to be his Deputy in the Office of Weigher and Teller to his Ma:ts Mint And the Said Robert Lowe being thus Approved is hereby Impowered to Act and Execute the Said Office of Deputy Weigher and Teller to his Ma..ts Mint under the said Iohn Phillipps accordingly Dated at the Treasury Chambers the 2d: Iune 1726

RWalpole Will: Yonge. Wm. Strickland


[1]To all to whom these presents shall Come The Right Honourable the Lords Comm.rs of His Majestys Treasury Send Greeting. Know ye That We the said Lords Com:rs of his Majestys Treasury reposing especial Trust and Confidence in the Fidelity Care and Diligence of Iohn Philips Esqr. in and for the Execution of the Office and place of Weigher and Teller of His Majestys Mint within the Tower of London, in the Room of Henshaw Eglesham Gent Deceas'd. Have Nominated Constituted and Appointed and do by these presents Nominate Constitute and Appoint him the said Iohn Phillips to be Weigher and Teller of His Majestys Mint within the said Tower of London. To have hold exercise and enjoy the said Office and place by Himself or his sufficient Deputy and \or/ Deputys for & during his Majestys Pleasure (such Deputy or Deputys to be first Approved of by Us or the High Treasurer or Commissioners of the Treasury for the time being) together with all Fees Salaries Wages Houses Buildings Emolum:ts profits and Allowances thereunto belonging and in as large and ample manner and form, to all Intents and purposes, as the said Henshaw Eglesham or any other person or persons formerly enjoying the said Office, have held and enjoyed the same. In Witnes whereof We have hereunto set Our hands this 27:th day of April 1726. in the 12:th year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c.

R Walpole

Will yonge

Geo: Dodington

[2]To all to whom these presents shall Come Greeting Whereas the R{t.} Hon:ble the Lords Com:rs of His Majestys Treary having been pleased by their Warrant bearing date the 27:th of April in the 12:th year of the Reign of His present Majesty King George to Give and Grant unto Me Iohn Phillips Esqr. the Office of Weigher and Teller in His Majestys Mint in the Tower of London: further Granting unto me the said Iohn Phillips power to execute the said Office by my self or my sufficient Deputy or Deputies He or they being first Approved by the Lords Com:rs of His Ma:ts Treasury or the Lord High Treasurer for the time being As by the said Warr.t relacon being thereunto had may more fully and at large appear. Now Know ye that I said Iohn Phillips in pursuance of the above mentioned power to Me given have Nominat{illeg}|e|d Constituted I Appointed and by these presents do Nominate Constitute and Appoint Robert Lowe to be my sufficient Deputy to execute the said Office of Weigher & Teller within His Majestys Mint in the Tower of London and further to do and Act all things necessary and Lawful in the Execution of the said Office in as full and ample manner as I myself may or ought to do [3]In Witnes whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal this 23d. day of Ma{y} in the 12:th year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George by the Grace of Go{d} of Great Britain France & Ireland King Defender of the Faith &{c}in th{e} year of Our Lord 1726.


George R.

[4]George by the Grace of God of Great Britain France & Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c. To all to whom these presents shall Come more especiall to Our Warden, Master and Worker and Comptroller of Our Mint now and for the time being Greeting Whereas the Office of Assistant to the Chief Graver of Our Mint hath been some time vacant by the Decease of Samuel Bull, who was by Letters patent under Our Great Seal of Great Britain appointed thereunto, in which Letters patent a Clause was contained whereby it was provided that whenever the said Assistant's place should be void it should be filled up by such probationer or Apprentice as should be presented Unto us by Our said Warden Master and Worker and Comptroller of Our Mint for the time being by Warrant under Our Royal Sign Manual And Whereas you the Offrs of Our Mint have accordingly presented Unto Us Iohn Rollos a skilful Artist in Engraving for that Imployment Which we being Graciously pleased to Accept, And to Allow and Approve of the said Iohn Rollos to be Assistant to the said Chief Graver of Our Mint accordingly Our Will and Pleasure is And We do hereby Direct Authorize & Require You and every of you to whom it appertains to Admit the said Iohn Rollos to have hold and enjoy all Houses or Apartments profits Immunities, Liberties privileges and Advantages to the said Office belonging, and quietly and peaceably to enjoy the same and every of them during Our Royal Will and Pleasure And moreover We are Graciously pleased to Grant and allow unto the said Iohn Rollos for the Exercise and Execution of the said Office the Yearly Fe{illeg}|e| or Salary of Eighty pounds ꝑ Ann̄ to be paid and payable to him by the Master and worker of Our Mint now and for the time being, out of such Money as shall from time to time be and remain in his hands for that purpose, which Said Salary Our Pleasure is shall Commence and be Accompted payable from, Michas last past One Thousand seven Hundred and twenty six Quarterly at the four most usual Feasts or Days of Payment in the year by even and equal porcons, during Our Pleasure And such payments shall from time to time be passed and allowed in the Accts: of the said Master and Worker of Our Mint: And these presents or the Entry or Inrollment thereof shall be to All and every one that Shall or may be any ways concerned therein a Sufficient Warrant Given at Our Court at Kensington this twenty ninth day of September 1726 in the thirteenth year of Our Reign

By His Majestys Command

R Walpole Cha:s Turner Geo: Dodi{n}gton


[5]George by the Grace of God of Great Britain France & Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c. To all to whom these presents shall Come Greeting Know Yee that Wee for divers good Causes and Consideracons Us hereunto moving of Our especial Grace certain knowledge and meer motion Have Given and Granted and by these presents do Give and Grant unto Our Trery and Wellbeloved Iohn Conduitt Esqr. the Office of Master & Worker of all Our Moneys both Gold and Silver within Our Mint in Our Tower of London and elswhere within that part of Our Kingdom of Great Britain call'd England together with the Fee or Yearly pention of five Hundred Pounds The Same to commence and be accounted payable to the said In{n}: Conduitt from the day of the date of these Our Letters patents and to be Computed & paid by the day unto and for the feast of the Nativity of Saint Iohn the Baptist next ensuing And from thence Quarterly at the four most usual Feasts or days of payment in the year that is to say the Feasts of St Michael the Archangell, the Birth of Our Lord Christ, the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Nativity of St. Iohn the Baptist by even & equal porcons Out of Such Moneys as by any Act or Acts of Parliament already made for Encouraging of Coynage Allowed to be Issued yearly out of Our Excheqr. for the Fees and Salarys of the Officers of the Mint or Mints and towards the providing maintaining and repairing the Houses Offices and Buildings and other uses in the said Act or Acts. or any of them mencond for so long time as the same shall continue in force And after the said Act or Acts shall cease out of such other money and in such other manner as shall by any Act or Acts of Parliamt. hereafter to be made be appointed or allowed to be Issued out for the Fees or Salarys of the Officers of the Mint or Mints And in default of any such Allowance or Appointment to be hereafter made by Parliamt. then the said Fee of Five Hundred pounds ꝑ Ann̄ to be paid out of Our Seignorage or Allowance of Coinage for Gold and Silver Moneys or other Our Profits of the Mint And Know Yee also that We for the Consideracons aforesaid Have Given and Granted and by these presents do Give and Grant unto the said Iohn Conduitt all Edifices Buildings Gardens and other Fees Allowances profits priviledges Franchises and Immunities belonging to the aforesaid Office To have hold exercise and enjoy the Said Office of Master and Worker to him the said Iohn Conduitt by himself or his Sufficient Deputy or Deputys for whom he will be Answerable <6> together with the said Fee or Yearly Pension of five Hundred pounds and the said Houses Edifices Buildings Gardens and other Fees Allowances profits Advantages proviledges Franchises Liberties and Immunities for and during Our Pleasure in as full and ample manner as by Isaac Newton Knt. decd or any other person or persons heretofore holding or exercising the said Office have had held or enjoyed or ought to have had held or enjoyed the same provided always and under this Condicon And Our Will & Pleasure is that the said Iohn Conduitt shall within two Months after he is in possession of the said Office by Virtue of these presents make and execute on his part such Indenture and Agreemts for and Concerng: the making of the several sorts of Money Gold and Silver and for the payment of the Several Officers of the Mints and other matters & things relating thereunto And to the Execution of the said Office as were formerly made with Alteracons and Addicons if any shall be though{t} fit and directed by Us for the better managemt. and carrying on of that Service. In Witness whereof We have Caused these Our Letters to be made Patents Witnes Our Self at Westmr the fourteenth day of Apl in the thirteenth year of Our Reign

By Writ of Privy Seal


Intrat in Officio Auditoris Recept Sciij xvijo. die Aprilis 1727.


Enterd in the Office of Pelly in the Excheqr. at Westmr

Tho: Sadler Deput Cler Pellium

Enterd in the Office of Mint in the Tower of London 28. Apl. 1727.

[1] Constitution dated 27 Ap.l 1726. Appointing Ino: Phillips Esr. to be Weigher & Teller of His Majestys Mint within the Tower of London.

[2] Deputation to Robert Lowe dated 23 May 1726 to Execute the Office of Weigher and Teller of His Majestys Mint in the Tower of London under Iohn Phillips Esqr


Seal'd & Deliver'd being first duly stamp'd in presence of Us

Iohn Conduit

Iho Hornsby.

[4] In:o Rollos Assistant to the Chief Graver in the Mint.

[5] {illeg} Patent {illeg}ea{illeg} to the 14{th} day of April 1727. Appointing Iohn Co{nduit} Esqr Mas{tr} & Worker of His Mats Mint in the Tower of London and elswhere thrôout that part of the Kingdom of {G}reat Britain {c}all{d} England

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