Holograph draft of MINT00357 (Mint 19/3/15-16)
One set of Bell weights for Gold 36lwt | 20. | 0. | 0 |
One set of Bell weights for silver 81lwt | 4. | 10. | 0 |
Two sets of penny weights & grains & coyn weights | 0. | {illeg}|4|. | 0|6| |
One douzen of sizing scales {illeg}|w|th counter-poizes at 11s a piece | {illeg}|6|. | 1{illeg}|2|. | 0 |
One pair of cast Rollers | |||
One set of brass patterns for casting the ☉ & ☾ |
{illeg}|I|f more sets of these things be wanted they may be either brought here\in shops/ or made in {illeg}|S|cotland by these patterns
In obedience to yor Lops Order of ye 3d Instant we have considered the Inventory \therewith sending/ of Tools & other necessarys proposed to be provided in London for \the use of/ her Majties Mint in Scotland, & are humbly of Opinion that besides the {illeg} two Pyles of Standard weights, & two trial pieces for crown gold & two trial pieces for standard silver mentioned in or last report, it may be convenient to send \to/ them from her Maties Mint in the Tower the following Tools things wch we have \here/ set down in the following list \weight their prizes as follows/
Two sets of great \bell/ weights one\one/ for gold, the other\& two one/ for silver.
Two sets of penny weights & grains & two of Coyn-weights.
One d{illeg}|o|uzen of sizing scales with counterpoizes
Two \Or/ pair of cast Roller for \a/ patter{illeg}|n| to make others by
{P}|T|wo sets of brass patterns for casting:
The \blisterd/ steel, Brushes {illeg}\the German steel, the/ Mercury, Alume, winestone, Charcoal, Bone ashes, \Coppel moulds, Mufflers, Essay ballances, Brass Calms,/ Books of Vellum, Fla Iusting Flots, files, Brushes, Table vices, Grindstones, Oyle stones & sweep-milnes \are useful in coyning &/ may be provided by the Officers of that Mint as formerly, \they being to be had in shops, &/ the new Mint not differing in these things from the old. However we have set down their prizes in the following schedule & are \copy of the schedule sento us by yor Lops Order/ ready \(if desired)/ to assist them in procuring what they want from London they paying for the same.
What they mean by a sizeing Miln & Iusting flots we do not understand, having no such names of tools in use amongst us
<76v>Two Pyles of Standard weights & tryal pieces are already reported necessary.
{illeg}|T|wo sets of great weights one for gold the other fold silver
Two sets of penny weights & grains & two of coyn-weights
Two |One| douzen of sizing weights\scales/ with counterpoizes.
Four |Two| pair of cast Rollers for {illeg}|p|atterns to make others by.
Two |One| Essay {sic} Ballances {sic} with standarts & essay {sic} weights.
A pair of brass Calms.
Brass Patterns for casting
A sweep Miln.
A siseing Miln.
The steel, \Mercury,/ Alume,|&| Wynestone, are merchantable commodities & may be hand in Scotland \as formerly/ & so may the files, flotts, Brushes, Charcoal, Bone ashes, Table Vices, Copel moulds, Mufflers, Books of Vellum, Grindstones, & Oylestones, Sweep-millns \brass Calms & Essay {sic} Ballances/. In these things the new Mint will not differ from ye old.