Notes and calculations relating to the cost and distribution of various gold and silver medals
1200 Silver M{illeg}|e|dals at {illeg}2|11|dwt per Medal will weigh 660{illeg}|o|z & \at/ 5s 5d per oz \the ☉ ☽/ comes to 181li {illeg} 178li. 15s. Workmanship 2d per Medal comes to 10li Total 1{9}{illeg}|88|. {illeg}|1500|. Refining 1d pr oz comes to 2li. 15s. Total 19{illeg}|1|. 10. 0. Which \is/ at 16li per hundred quamproxime or 3s 3d 32s per {illeg}|t|en, or 3s 2 a piece.
Gold Medalls 200 a{illeg}|t| first, afterwards for the Commons 515 + Scots 45. Total \{The}/ Total {illeg}|7|60, besides forreign ministers. Each medal weighing 12dwt.|,| The Gold at 4li. {illeg}{6}|0|6s per oz The whole or each {illeg}|hu|ndred weighing {9}{illeg}|50|lwt, The whole will weigh 38Lwt. At 4li 6s per oz
A pound weight of Gold was cut into 20 medals, a pound weight of Silver into 22. The Go|l|d at 4li 7s pr oz & refining 12 pence per oz. The silver & refining 5s 6d per oz.
12 Silver medals at 11dwt per Medal will weigh 660oz wch at {illeg}|5|s 5d pr oz ye silver {illeg}|&| 1d per oz refining & 2d per Medal workmanship comes to 191li. 10s
200 Gold medalls at 12dwt per Medal will weigh 120oz wch at 4li 7s per oz ☉ 1s per oz refining & 1s per medal workmanship c{illeg}|om|es t{illeg}|o| 538li.