Clerical copy of tenders to supply copper received in response to the advertisement of 30 April 1717 [MINT00630 (Mint 19/2/406)] and forwarded to the Mint with MINT00636 (Mint 19/2/366):
May it please your Lords:ps
It being advertised in ye Gazette for such Persons to bring in Proposalls as are willing to deliver in fine Malliable Brittish Copper for Coining Half pence and farthings without menioning what Quantity is wanted in what Quality & in what time to be deliver'd on all which Circumstances the price will in a great measure depend.
I begg leave to suppose a Quantity, Quality and time for delivering the same.
I Propose to deliver a hundred Tu|o|nn'|s| of fine Brittish malliable Copper ꝑ ann̄ for six, eight or Ten years.
The Copper to be milld or flatted to such exactness as to answer the weight design'd for the said half pence & farthings at eighteen pence half penny ꝑ pound.
And to allow for the Cissell or wast wch shall be return'd Seventeen pence half penny ꝑ £
It is hum:bly {illeg}|Sup|posed ye Officers of his Maj:ties Mint can cutt and Stamp the s:d half=pence and farthing in Work=manlike manner for two pence half=penny ꝑ £: each pound of Copper being cutt into two shillings there will remain three pence ꝑ £: for the Publick wch amounts to 2800:£ ꝑ ann̄ out of wch deduct for the rebate of one penny in ye pound for the Cissell return'd {there} will remain 2550:£ clear to the Publick ꝑ ann̄.
If the Officer's of his Maj:ties Mint think two pence half penny ꝑ £: to little for what they are to perform I humbly propose to the same at ye said price.
If Quantity, Quality time or anything in this proposall is contrary to your Lords:ps intenions on your Lords:ps signifying your pleasure; I am ready to give in proposalls consonant thereto.
I am 24:th May 1717. May it please your Lords:ps hum:ble Serv:t Jonathun Holloway
To the R:t Hon:ble the Lords Commiss:ers of his Maj:ties Treasure|y|