
1034 G for 20s. 1 G = 20 St. 1 st = 16 dr. 5 G = 9 shillings. 100 G = 9li sterl. 37127 SS = 1li sterl. 33313 SS = 9li = {illeg}80s = 240s. 1000SS = 60. 50SS =3 = 100G. 1000 SS = 300 G. 10 SS = 3 G. 3. 10 ∷ 1075. 3556 ∷ 1012. 35 ∷ 11. 3623

I {had} we are humbly of opinion that such security as is sufficeint for \{illeg}|de|fraying/ the price of the Tin & \of/ this ship in case the same should be lost at sea, may be sufficient for raising ready money \upon interest/. And that if the Petitioner pleases to pay ready money for 400 or 450 Tunns of Tin & for to {bare} a ship for exporting it.\export it at his own charge/ & her Maty should allow him all the advantage of the adventure; \& for his further encouragemt/ & in consideration of his paying ready money for so much tin at once, \should also/ abate him 1|2|s {illeg} per C in the price.

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford, OX1 2RL - newtonproject@history.ox.ac.uk

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