Draft of MINT00702 (Mint 19/3/566)
10 G for 20s. 1 G = 20 St. 1 st = 16 dr. 5 G = 9 shillings. 100 G = 9li sterl. 37 SS = 1li sterl. 333 SS = 9li = 80s = 100G. 1000 SS = 300 G. 10 SS = 3 G. 3. 10 ∷ 10∟75. 35 ∷ 10. 35 ∷ 11. 36
we are humbly of opinion that such security as is sufficeint for defraying the price of the Tin & of this ship in case the same should be lost at sea, may be sufficient for raising ready money upon interest. And that if the Petitioner pleases to pay ready money for 400 or 450 Tunns of Tin & export it at his own charge her Majesty should allow him all the advantage of the adventure; & for his further encouragement & in consideration of his paying ready money for so much tin at once, should also abate him 2s per cwt in the price.