
Mr Drummond represents (October 1704) that ye price of Tynn in Holland had been between from 45 to 47 Guild pr Dutch C wt. wch is about 110£ English weight. And 45G according to ye present exchange was about 4£ 7s sterling, from wch was to be deducted freight to Holland & Custome & charges there, wch according to ye rate calculation annexed will return 4£ sterling pr 100lb at ye rate of ten Gilders ten Stivers per pound Sterling

Calculation of the first cost & neat produce of 30 blocks of Tynn as bought in London & sold in Amsterdam.

30 Blocks of Tynn weighing C 90:2 at 3£ 16s pr C is... 343£. 18s.
Exchange at 1034 Gilders pr pound sterling 343: 18 makes -3735.G 18st
Said 90 C 2qters makes in Dutch weight 9016, at 45 Gilders      per 100lwt is}4057. -
Abate 1 per cent if paid in 2 months  40. 11
3016. 9


Freight & Averidge of 30 blocks 10. 7
Custome impost & valuation125. 4
Landing & housing  9. 0
City Impost at the Weigh{h}ouse 28. 8
Brokeridge 16 16. 16
Warehouse room on 30 blocks  6. -
195. 15  195. 15
 3820. 14
                    Commission 2 per Cent-  76.  8
 3744.  6

Recconing the exchange at 1012 Gilders: 4412 pr 100lwt makes 3£. 16s. 3.

Out of ye Officers of the Mints Report on Mr Drummonds last proposal. 19 March 1{sic}067

Tyn at3. 16. 0
Customes0. 3. 0
Petty charge of Shipping it0. 1. 0
Ris at Sea recconed by Merchants at 2 pr cent   1. 7

Sold in 12 months ending with this report 120 Tunns ot|u|t of the Tower besides 450 Tunns exported by Mr Stratford & Sr Theodore Janssen upon contracts.


Mr Drummonds Acct for ye first \& second/ 400 wt Tunns of Tinn

Customes at Amsterdam 12 styvers pr C wth Dutch 13 Additional Duty 4 styvers more Two per cent valuation & premoim another Tan. Cocquets & Custome house fees - -|19| Gilders -|4| styvers for the whole Boat hire & lit|g|hterige for unlading the tin at two styvers a block Porterage & housing at two styvers per block For carriage to the city weigh-house & weighing for sale 112 styver per C wt Brokerage 3 styvers per C wt. Warehouse room {illeg}|a|bout 30 styvers per Tunn per annum.

The price of 1600 Tunns at 3£ 1|7|6s|£| per {illeg} Tunn {- 608. 0. 0}  121600
Customes {illeg}|s|aved   4800
Charges of shipping &c   236. 17. 2
Fre Total charges paid in England12663. 17. 2
Freight, & Customes, 13 Additional Duty, two per cent      valuation & premium, Cocquets & custome house fees      boat hire & lighterage, porterage & housing}  5242. 16. 9.
Which is after ye rate of 4£ 2s 5d pr C131879. 13. 11

Incident Charges in selling

Carriage to ye city w{illeg}|eigh| house & weighing for sale 112 styver pr C}
Brokerage 3 styvers per C6{illeg}|G|ild per C|T|un = = 10. 6d
Warehouse roome 112 styver per C per an̄.

     Freight & Averidge of y
     Freight & Averidge of ye whole (at several rates) 9126G. 19st
     Averidge 3stiver per Gilder 1369.  1
     Post money 1st per 16 Gilders    6. 13
     Total10502  13

Which is almost 20 stivers per block, whereas we paid but 10 styvers per block for ye Freight & Averidge of Mr Drummonds The high price was because of exporting so great a quantity at once so that we were fain to hire ships on purpose.

     All the rest of the charg
     The Customes, 13 Additional Duty & two per cent premium valuation & premium}42102Gild. 1st
     Charges at Roterdam &c 225G 10st an  225. 10
     Unlading & carrying to ye warehouses 2219. 12
55049. 16
     Deduct for turning it into Bank - money 2433. 10
wch at 10 G 10st makes52616. 6
 82.s 5094
6 Gilders 20 skillings
9 Gilders = 30 skil
1012 Gilders = 5|3|5 skillings at a
1034 Gilders = 3556
9£ English = 100 G
  Gilder = 1. 9
10 Gu|i|lders = {illeg}0|17|. 6
11 Gilders     19. 3
1113 Gild = 19. 10
1112 Gild = 20. 112
12502|3|. -
 1175. -
56856. -
7910. -
55049. 16
 1806.  G - -
One skilling = 6 styvers = 12 Gross.35 skillings =210 styvers= 10G. 10Styvers
36 skillings == 10. 16
37 sk= 11.  2
381411.  8|9|12
1012 G = £
42 G.
 1. 1st
43 G. 514st
10G. 1 18st = 1£
40G 12 = 4
 1.  1∟8
44. 18∟2
10. 15st
43.  0
4|1|.  112
44. 6
105, 00
 16, 00
4816 104. 3st
32000)236. 17. 2 = 4737s. 2d
  4. 44|7|. 8
10,,35:10|4|0d :: 4
2120|1|.s 240d :: 8034
106. 120.  9690(912253
            44  7. 92253
             4  0. 312
             4. 8. 1
7917. {illeg}|1|58 27 = 1s∟58286
Freight & Averidge 6st pr bl6st
Averidg 3st per Gild0910
Post money 1st per 16 Gild0. 693200
10,5) 330412 /3182
105) 3304120(31467/∟8\
31467. 16.
31656. 4.
105) 332390(31656∟2
105) 52616. 6 (50{illeg}

5524 + 8624 = 1312   100. 7912


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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

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