Mr Drummond represents (October 1704) that the price of Tynn in Holland had been from 45 to 47 Guilders pr Dutch cwt wt. which is about 110£ English weight. And 45G according to the present exchange was about 4£ 7s sterling, from which was to be deducted freight to Holland & Custome & charges there, which according to the calculation annexed will return 4£ sterling pr 100lb at the rate of ten Gilders ten Stivers per pound Sterling
Calculation of the first cost & neat produce of 30 blocks of Tynn as bought in London & sold in Amsterdam.
30 Blocks of Tynn weighing cwt 90:2 at 3£ 16s pr cwt is... | 343£. 18s. |
Exchange at 10 Gilders pr pound sterling 343: 18 makes - | 3735.G 18st |
Said 90 cwt 2qters makes in Dutch weight 9016, at 45 Gilders per 100lwt is | } | 4057. - |
Abate 1 per cent if paid in 2 months | 40. 11 |
| 3016. 9 |
Freight & Averidge of 30 blocks | 10. 7 | |
Custome impost & valuation | 125. 4 |
Landing & housing | 9. 0 |
City Impost at the Weigh{h}ouse | 28. 8 |
Brokeridge | 16. 16 |
Warehouse room on 30 blocks | 6. - |
| 195. 15 | 195. 15 |
| 3820. 14 |
Commission 2 per Cent | - 76. 8 |
| 3744. 6 |
Recconing the exchange at 10 Gilders: 44 pr 100lwt makes 3£. 16s. 3.
Out of the Officers of the Mints Report on Mr Drummonds last proposal. 19 March 170
Tyn at | 3. 16. 0 |
Customes | 0. 3. 0 |
Petty charge of Shipping it | 0. 1. 0 |
Ris at Sea recconed by Merchants at 2 pr cent | 1. 7 |
Sold in 12 months ending with this report 120 Tunns out of the Tower besides 450 Tunns exported by Mr Stratford & Sr Theodore Janssen upon contracts.
Mr Drummonds Account for the first & second 400 Tunns of Tinn
Customes at Amsterdam 12 styvers pr cwt wt Dutch Additional Duty 4 styvers more Two per cent valuation & premoim another Tan. Cocquets & Custome house fees 19 Gilders 4 styvers for the whole Boat hire & lighterige for unlading the tin at two styvers a block Porterage & housing at two styvers per block For carriage to the city weigh-house & weighing for sale 1 styver per cwt wt Brokerage 3 styvers per cwt wt. Warehouse room about 30 styvers per Tunn per annum.
The price of 1600 Tunns at 76£ per Tunn | 121600 |
Customes saved | 4800 |
Charges of shipping &c | 236. 17. 2 |
Total charges paid in England | 12663. 17. 2 |
Freight, Customes, Additional Duty, two per cent valuation & premium, Cocquets & custome house fees boat hire & lighterage, porterage & housing | } | 5242. 16. 9. |
Which is after the rate of 4£ 2s 5d pr cwt | 131879. 13. 11 |
Incident Charges in selling
Carriage to the city weigh house & weighing for sale 1 styver pr cwt | } | |
Brokerage 3 styvers per cwt | 6Gild per Tun = = 10. 6d |
Warehouse roome 1 styver per cwt per annum |
| |
Freight of the whole (at several rates) | 9126G. 19st |
Averidge 3stiver per Gilder | 1369. 1 |
Post money 1st per 16 Gilders | 6. 13 |
Total | 10502 13 |
Which is almost 20 stivers per block, whereas we paid but 10 styvers per block for the Freight & Averidge of Mr Drummonds The high price was because of exporting so great a quantity at once so that we were fain to hire ships on purpose.
| |
The Customes, Additional Duty & two per cent | } | 42102Gild. 1st |
Charges at Roterdam &c 225G 10st | 225. 10 |
Unlading & carrying to the warehouses | 2219. 12 |
| 55049. 16 |
Deduct for turning it into Bank - money | 2433. 10 |
which at 10 G 10st makes | 52616. 6 |
33968 |
82∟4345 |
849 |
82.s 5094 |
6 Gilders 20 skillings |
9 Gilders = 30 skil |
10 Gilders = 35 skillings |
10 Gilders = 35 |
9£ English = 100 G |
Gilder = 1. 9 |
10 Gilders = 17. 6 |
11 Gilders 19. 3 |
11 Gild = 19. 10 |
11 Gild = 20. 1 |
12503. - |
1175. - |
536. |
14214. |
4 |
56856. - |
One skilling = 6 styvers = 12 Gross. | 35 skillings = | 210 styvers | = 10G. 10Styvers |
| 36 skillings = | | = 10. 16 |
37 sk | = 11. 2 |
38 | 11. 9 |
10 G = £ |
42 G. |
1. 1st |
4 |
43 G. 5st |
10G. 1 18st = 1£ |
40G 12 = 4 |
3 |
1. 1∟8 |
4∟4 |
44. 18∟2 |
10. 15st |
43. 0 |
1. 1 |
4 |
44. 6 |
1318∟79∟7 |
327,19925 |
84∟29981 |
1318,797 |
329,69925. |
82,42481 |
84962 |
82.50977 |
32000)236. 17. 2 = 4737s. 2d |
9476 |
56,846./1 |
24,4 |
4. 47. 8 |
100.2::84:16 |
16,96st |
10,,:140d :: 4 |
106 |
2121.s 240d :: 80 |
106. 120. 9690(91 |
150 |
44 7. 9 |
4 0. 3 |
4. 8. 1 |
Freight 6st pr bl | 6st |
Averidg 3st per Gild | 0 |
Post money 1st per 16 Gild | 0. |
| |
23949 |
3200 |
10,5) 330412 /3182 |
191 |
862 |
220 |
10 |
105) 3304120(31467∟8 |
154 |
491 |
712 |
820 |
850 |
105) 332390(31656∟2 |
173 |
689 |
590 |
650 |
20 |
105)55049∟8(52,42 |
254 |
449 |
298 |
88 |
5 + 8 = 13 100. 79