Letter to Oldenburg on his experiments to show colour and light
S {sic}
I hope Mr Linus's Friends will acquiesce in ye late tryall of ye Expt in dep|b|ait, for ye procurement of wch & for sending them notice of ye event, I return you my hearty thanks, as I have reason. I perceive I went upon a wrong supposition in what I wrote concerning Mr Boyles Expt. The Papers in yor hand I have no present need of: You may send them at yor best leisure. Sometime this Sommer it's possible I may make use of them, if I can but get some time to write ye other discourse about ye colo{illeg}|u|rs of ye Prism wch I have long intended. Sr I am
Yor humble & obliged
Is. Newton.
<52v>For Henry Oldenburg Esqꝫ
at his house about ye middle
of ye old Pal-mall in
< insertion from lower down f 52v >Rec. d. 12. Maji. 1676.
< text from higher up f 52v resumes > < insertion from lower down f 52v >Answ. by Dr Sidnam May 15. 76. and sent by him his Hypothesis and discourse explaining ye properties of Light; as also his discourse about ye various colors exhibited by transparent substances made very thin by being blown into bubbles or otherwise form'd into plates, altho at a greater thicknes they appear very clar clear and colorlesse.
In my letter accompanying these papers I imparted to Mr Newton ye particulars contain'd in M. Leibnitz his letter to me of May 12. 1676. from Paris st.n.
< text from higher up f 52v resumes >