
Worthy Sr:

I recd the favor of yours. & last Saturday sent to Dr. Mead one sheet of the memoirs of Sr: Isaacs life. another I send to him to day. I told the Dr. I had since I liv'd here collected every thing I could meet with relatings {sic} to it, for my own curiosity, & out of the great respect I bore Sr. Isaac; & was glad to hear that the publication of his life is fallen into so good hands as yours. & I shall be highly pleased if I can be assisting to you therein. the Dr. will transmit those Sheets to you, & I submit them intirely to your judgemt. likewise what alterations or additions I shall chance to make to them in reasonable time I will take care to send you. I had the misfortune to fall under Sr: Isaac's displeasure for many years on acct. of putting up for Secretary agt. Dr: Iurin: or these papers would have been much fuller. for I should have taken pains in it in his life time. & two or 3 people are lately dead that would have been of great service in this acct. I believe I shall have another sheet or two.

I don't wonder that there are divisions in the Society now the great Soul & genius of it has left them ———

I find Sr. Isaac was a great lover of drawing. I should be infinitely pleased, if you could send me any Sketch of his pen to keep for a memorandum. I am

Worthy Sr:

Your most obedient Servant

Wm. Stukeley

Grantham Iune 26. 1727.

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