Letter from William Stukeley to John Conduitt, dated 15 July 1727
Worthy Sr:
You are certainly in the right that Sr: Isaac was posthumous, I was inadvertently led into the mistake, by the silly custom of beginning the year at Ladyday. Dr: Newton of our town is the person I mean by Mr Newton, it was according to his own order. & all the information he is able to give, you have there: I have sent to Dr. Mead this post another sheet which is the last. I have spoke to the minister of Westby & other places to search their registers, about Sr: Isaacs ancestors, & intend to see what Sr: Michael Newton our neighbor has about it. & have made other requests where there seems any likelyhood of receiving informations, which you shall see when I have them.
Sr: Michael is burgessing at our town very briskly
I am Sr:
Your obliged humble servant
Wm: Stukeley
Grantham 15 Iuly 1727.
Tis not unlikely that you may have in your hands a spare copy of Sr: Isaacs Principia, if so, I shall esteem it an acceptable present.