Letter from William Stukeley to John Conduitt, dated 22 July 1727
Worthy Sr:
I recd both your letters, the former on thursday, which day I went to dine with Mr Newton Smith at Barrowby near here, where we drank your health & familys, & that in the same room where Sr: Isaacs picture hangs, which is the best done by Sr: Godf. Kneller. twas a great pleasure to me to see it, & other furniture of Sr. Isaacs. I could not answer that ler before to day. in it you observe a mistake, about the place where Sr: Is. dyd. you may consider that I only transcribed Mr Le Neve's words, which I my self thought was a mistake. & I apprehend you may have incurrd an error where you write to me that he dyd on munday the 20th. of March. I suppose it was the 13th. of March.
as for my vote & interest for Sr: Michael, if I had either, they should be very much at his service. I am not free of the corporation & have not liv'd long enough to have any interest considerabl. the people here seem to be mighty fond of Sr: Michael & we look upon him as safe. you may be assured, nothing I can doe shall be wanting toward it.
twas in this letter you wrote to me about him, which I take notice of because in your last, you seem suprizd I had not answerd it sooner.
I shall receive as a great favor the print of Sr: Isaac & the Principia. I have a print of him which I bought but not of the first impression. I have likewise several drawings of him, copyd by my self from Sr: Godfreys paintings, & I have taken several sketches of his side face, which are very like him. I being present with him & Sr: Godfrey at painting his great picture to be sent to ffrance, desired Sr: Isaac to let Sr: Godfrey paint his side face or profile as we call it, for me, what says Sr: Isaac, would you make a medal of me? & refus'd it, tho' I was then in highest favor with him.
I shall neglect no opportunity to Collect any further notices of him that I possibily can, being
Worthy Sr:
Your most obligd
humble servant
Wm Stukeley
Grantham Iuly 22 1727.
Iohn Conduit Esqr
Member of Parliament
Great George Street
Hanover Square