Fragment on the Nazarenes
And Austin Of these Nazarenes Austine speaks thus Et nunc sunt quidam Hæretici qui se Nazarenos vocant a nonnullis autem Symmachiani appellantur & circumcisionem habent Iudæorum et Baptismum Christianorum. [1]
And this adhering of the Nazarenes to ye Law of Moses at length gave occasion to ye converted Iews Gentiles to look upon the Nazarenes & especially that Ebi branch of them called Ebionites as hereticks & to anathematize them. For Ierome tells us that ye Ebionites were anathematized only for mingling the ceremonies of the Law with the Gospel. Cerinthus & Hebion propter hoc solum credentes in Christo, propter hoc solum a patribus anathematizati sunt quod legis ceremonias Christi evangelio miscuerunt. Hieron. Epist. ad Augustinum in Vol. 2 pag fol 121 G.
Coaretabimus itaqꝫ Hebionem & Sectatores ejus quod post Evangelium credentes in Christo circumcidendos putant. Hieron in Epist. Pauli ad Galatas.
[1] Lit con. Cresconium c. 31.