Proposal for £35 p.a. for Francis Beresford to be taken on as apprentice engraver for six years to supply the place of [Gabriel] le Clerk, whose post has been vacant for some years
To the Right Honourable the Earl of Oxford & Earl Mortimer Lord high Treasurer of Great Britain.
May it please your Lordship
The Office of Gravers of the Mint being constituted by a Warrant under the broad seal dated April 7th. in the fourth year of her Majesties Reign, whereby for the advantage & safety of the Mint with respect to the Coin, John Croker, Gent. is appointed head Graver with a salary of 200li per annum, & Samuel Bull & Gabriel le Clerk Gent. were made assistants to the chief Graver, each with a salary of 80li per annum, & upon the voidance of either of the said assistant's places the same was to be filled up with such Probationer or Apprentice as should be presented to her Majestie by the Warden, Master & Worker & Comptroller of the Mint, by Warrant under the Signe manual: We humbly represent to Your Lordship that the place of the said Gabriel le Clerk became void about two Years & an half ago, & thereupon one Francis Beresford hath been learning about two Years under the said Mr. Croker to designe in order to learne the art of Graveing & is approved by the said Mr Croker as well qualified in point of Genius & industry to make a good workman: For which end we humbly pray your Lordship that out of the said vacant 80li. per annum an Allowance may be settled upon the said Francis Beresford for binding him an Apprentice to the said Mr Croker for six Years. And we humbly propose an Allowance of 35li per annum
All which is most humbly submitted to
your Lordships great Wisdome
[1]C. Peyton
Is. Newton