Orders for the castle to be used as a mint
Whitehall Iuly 21st: 1696.
The Lords Iustices Command me to signify their directions to You to permitt the setting up a Mint in such part of the Castle of Chester as shall be convenient for that purpose in order to the speedy recoining of the Clipt money: You are also to give all persons concerned therein free Entrance and assist at all fitt times for the more Effectuall carrying on of this Work, Which being of so great Consequence to the Publick, Their Excellencys would have you take care, that all possible dilligence, be used by the Labourers workmen & all others employed, and from time to time represent to the Lord Commissioners of the Treasury What shall appear necessary to You for the furthering & promoting this service. I am
Your most humble servant
George Clarke
[2] <278v>Copy of the Order to Coll. Kirkby for setting up a mint at Chester