Firm rejection of a proposal to erect a Mint for silver coinage in Dublin
To the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of his Majestys
May it please your Lordships
Wee have considered the annexed Proposall about erecting a Mint in Ireland for coyning shillings and six pences of the same weight allay & stamp with those coyned in the Tower, and believe, that such a rivall Mint, may soe farr prejudice ours, as it may draw Bullion and coynage from us. And if it shall hereby increase the money of Ireland to the advantage of their Trade & Manufacture, wee are humbly of opinion that it must have the contrary effect on England. Besides the danger of setting Ireland upon a parity with England in so great a Prerogative as that of Coynage. For the business which they offer us of making their Dyes and assaying their Money (that is of being their Graver and Assaymaster) gives us noe superiority. These are servile Offices which if it shall be his Majestys pleasure to erect a Mint in that Kingdom, we humbly desire may not be imposed on us
Ireland is one of the English plantations, & tho it has changed the title of Lordship to that of a Kingdom, yet it still continues annexed to the Crown of England and like the other plantations is and ought to be inferior to this Kingdom, and subservient to it's interests. And therefore we are unwilling that any opinion of ours should be made use of for promoting any designe which may tend to derive thither the money and trade of this Nation, and to make them of equall dignity and dominion with our selves, and perhaps at length desirous to seperate from this Crown, upon some fitt opportunity of joyning with it's Enemies
All which we most humbly offer to your Lordships consideration
and submitt to your great wisdom and judgment
<217v>Report of the Officers of the Mint about erecting a Mint in Ireland
Aug: 18 1698