Holograph draft of a royal warrant authorising payment of the balance
Whereas by Warrant under our signe manual dated the 30th Instant we directed you the Master & Worker of our Mint in the Tower of London to pay unto each of the Importers of Plate whose Receipts are dated on or after the 15th day of May at the rate of five shillings per ounce for the plate Imported Our further Will & pleasure is that out of such moneys as shall remain in your hands to be imprested to you or advanced by your for this service you pay off the remainder of the moneys for which the said Receipts were given, that is to say five pence per Ounce old standard eight pence per Ounce new standard & six pence per ounce uncertain standard above the aforesaid 5s per ounce & take back the Receipts so discharged. And for doing so this shall be your Warrant.
Agreed by my Lord High Treasurer that what moneys shall be due to Sir Isaac Newton at X.mas next for paying off the Receipts given by the Officers of the Mint for Plate, be then paid to him out of the civil list.
A general clause in the next money bill
That the deficiency of the moneys coined out of the Plate with all charges relating thereunto be made good out of the Coinage Duty.
A minute
Agreed by my Lord Treasurer that what moneys shall be due to Sir Isaac Newton at Christmas next for paying off the Receipts given by the Officers of the Mint for Plate, be then paid to him out of the civil list. And that the value thereof in Tin after the rate of 3li 10s per cwt be upon, demand delivered to him for security thereof, to be sold after next January if the debt be not then paid.