Incomplete draft of MINT00569 (Mint 19/2/268-9)
An Account of the Gold & Silver coyned at his Majestys Mint in the Tower of London from Lady day 1713 to Lady day 1715 & of what Gold & Silver remained in the Tower in Order for coynage at Lady day 1715, & of the Denominations & Species in which the said Gold & Silver were brought into the Tower.
From Lady day 1713 to Lady day 1714 there was coyned 14331 pounds weight of standard Gold (including 82lwt imported but not coyned before Lady day 1713; & pounds weight of standard silver. And from Lady day 1714 to Lady day 1715 there was coyned 29848 pounds weight of standard Gold & pounds weight of standard silver. And at Lady day 1715 there remained in the Tower pounds weight of standard Gold & pounds weight of standard silver to be coined.
The total of Gold coyned in these two years amounts to 44179lwt which at 44 Guineas to the pound weight & 1li 1s 1d to the Guinea amounts unto 2113412li. 18s. 3d in tale.
The total of silver coined in these two years amounts unto 3899lwt standard which at 3li. 2s. 0d per pound weight amounts unto 12086li. 18s. 0d in tale.
The Gold which at Lady last remained in the Mint to be coined at 44 Guineas to the pound weight, & 1li 1s 6d to the Guinea will amount unto in tale.
The Gold above mentioned came to the Mint partly in the form of Portugal barrs & partly in the form of Barrs or Ingots melted out of forreign moneys by the goldsmiths in London. But in our Books we enter nothing more then the weight & assay of every Bar or Ingot & the Importers names.
The silver has been extracted out of English Lead & imported by & Partners in the form of Ingots of fine silver & under the Denomination of English & Welch silver has been stamped on the Reverse between the Escutcheons with a rose & feathers