Variant draft of MINT00643 (Mint 19/2/319)
Whereas his sacred Majesty above mentined hath by Warrant under his Signe Manual dated the thirteenth day of this present September commanded Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Mint in the Tower of London to coine halfpence and Farthings of Fine Brittish Copper which when heated redd hott will spread thin under the hammer So that Twenty and three pence may make a pound Weight Averdupoiz as nearly as is practicable and to pay the Importer for such Copper after such Rates are the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Treasury now being or the Lord High Treasurer or Lords Commissioners of the Treasury for the time being shall allow the one half thereof in Money upon receiving the said Copper and the other half in money and Copper together upon returning back the Scissell, the said Scissel being reckoned at the same price by the pound Weight with the Copper imported Now the Condition of the above Written obligation is such that if the above bound Henry Hines and John Appleby Iunr. their Heires Executors or Administrators shall and will deliver at his Majesties Mint in the Tower of London unto the said Sir Isaac Newton or unto the Master and Worker of his Majesties Mint in the Tower of London for the time being Thirty Tunns of Fine Brittish Copper in Barrs or Filletts of such Finess that when heated redd hot they will spread thin under the hammer without cracking and of such a size that forty and six half pence or ninety and two Farthings cut out of the same according to the Dimensions of given Patterns shall make a pound weight Averdupoiz as nearly as shall found practicable and the said Sir Isaac Newton or the Master and Worker of the Mitn for the time being paying to them the said Henry Hines and John Appleby Iunr. their Heires Executors or Administrators for the same after the rate of by pound weight Averdupoiz the one half in Money upon delivering the Copper, and the other half in Money and Copper within Fourteen days after such delivery of the scissell and Faulty Copper, which either doth not bear the assay above mentioned or which doth Err from the Iust size above the Fortieth part of its Weight and shall allow for the scissell and Faulty Copper received Back after the aforesaid Rate of Eighteen pence by the pound weight averdupoiz and shall deliver the said Thirty Tunns in such parcells and at such times as he the said Sir Isaac Newton or the Master and Worker of his Majesties Mint for the time being shall from time to time appoint and require so that the quantity required shall not exceed four Tuns many one Month And that no other Copper be coined into Monies before the Coinage of the said Thirty Tuns unless upon default of the delivery of such Copper as is required above and in such Quantity Then the above written obligation to be void and of none effect or else to stand remaine and be in full force and virtue.
Sealed and delived (being first duly stampd)
in the presence of us
Henry Hines
John Applebee Iunr.