An account of the medals coined for the last coronation [Anne's] and the time needed to coin medals for the forthcoming one [George I's]: Newton estimates six weeks to two months
To the Right Honourable the Lords of the Committee of Councill appointed to consider of his Majestys Coronation.
May it please your Lordships
In obedience to your Lordships Order that I should lay before your Lordships an account of the Medalls made upon her late Majestys Coronation & of the time requisite to make Medalls upon the present occasion, I most humbly represent that twelve hundred Medalls of silver & thre{e} hundred of gold were then made by Order of Council & delivered to the Treasurer of the Houshold to be distributed at the Coronation; & that 515 medals of gold were made afterwards by her Majestys order & my Lord Treasurers Warrant, & delivered to their speaker for the House of Commons then sitting & delivered to their speaker & 40 more for Forreign Ministers were delivered to my Lord Iersey whereof those for the Agents & Consuls were single medals & the rest were double in value. A pound weight of fine gold was then cut into twenty single medalls & a pound weight of fine silver into twenty & two medalls.
After the form of the Medalls & of his Majestys Effigies is setled, it will take up about a Calendar month to make the Puncheons & three or four days more to make the Dyes & coyn the medalls by the Mill & Press. If the Impression is to rise high like that of the late Medals made upon the peace, they must be coyned in a Ring & it will take a week or tenn days more to finish the Puncheons & c{o}yn 1500 medalls of this sort, every two hundred medalls taking up about a day to coyn them in this manner, & the Medalls must be weightier that there may be substance to make the Impression rise high. Sixteen Medalls of this sort will require a pound weight of fine gold & twenty a pound weight of silver. If either of the Puncheons should break (as sometimes happens) a fortnight more will be requisite for repairing the loss. And money should be advanced by my Lord Treasurer for buying Gold & Silver.
All which is m{ost humbly submitted to} your Lordships great wisdome
{Is. Newton}
King Wm crownd Apr 11. Queen Ann 23d Apr{il}