Petition of Francis Moore to the Treasury for a share of the estate of the convicted counterfeiter William Hawkins (executed on 26 July), as a reward for ascertaining the extent of this estate
To the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of his Majestys Treasury
The humble Petition of Francis Moore Gent
That whereas Wm. Hawkins late of London was executed at the Citty of Lincoln on the 26th: day Iuly now last past for Counterfeiting the current coin of this Kingdom whereby his Estate both reall and Personall is become forfeited unto his Majesty. And for as much as your Petitioner hath been att expence and trouble in travelling and makeing dilligent enquiry to find out his Estate hath found some Estate with writeings of Considerable vallue which did belong to the said Wm. Hawkins
Your Petitioner therefore humbly Prays your Lordships will be pleased to Order and impower your Petitioner to receive & recover such Papers, Moneys, or other Estate reall or Personall for his Majestys use as have belonged to the said deceased, And for the faith & full performance whereof your Petitioner is ready to give such security as may be to your Honours satisfaction. And for his Encouragement therein and defraying his Expences. Your Petitioner is willing to submitt himself to your Lordships pleasure & County as in such cases have been usuall, or in this may seem meet to your Lordships.
And your Petitioner shall ever Pray &ca
Whitehall Treasury Chambers 12th: August 1697
The Lords Commissioners of his Majestys Treasury are pleased to referr this Petition to Isaac Newton Esquire Warden of his Majestys Mint who is to consider the same and Certify their Lordshipps a true State of the matter therein contained together with his Opinion what is fitt to be done therein.
Wm Lowndes
[1][1] Fran: Moore refer to Warden of the Mint