Referral of MINT00871 (Mint 19/1/486-7), with another copy of it
Whitehall Octr. 11th. 1720
Having read to the Lords Iustices the enclosed Memorial of John Rotherham proposing a new Method of Coining; Their Excellencys are pleased to refer to you the Examination of that Matter I am &c.
Ch: Delafaye
To their Excellencies The Lords Iustices
The Memorial of John Rotherham
Most Humbly Sheweth
That your Memorialist has for many years past Considered of the many Inconveniecys which arise from the present Current Coin of this Kingdom being Frequently counterfeited, and that it would very much Conduce to the Honour and Interest of his Sacred Majesty and his Realms if in time to come Counterfeiting the coin were prevented.
That your Memorialist has by many years study and by much Expence in the nature of mettals found out an effectual way to prevent the Current Coin of this Kingdom being Counterfeited and by your Memorialist's method the Gold and Silver Coins will be more durable than if Coined the way now used, And it will be impossible to Lessen their Value by Liquids or any other means what ever without Demolishing the whole Body.
And to the End a Thing So Highly beneficial to the King and Kingdom may not le lost your Memorialist humbly proposes to give full satisfaction herein by words or in Writing and to Shew the Experiment itself provided he may be first assured of imediate and reasonable terms of Benefit for suc{h} Discovery.
Therefore most humbly prays your Excellencys would be pleased to referr the Examination of the matter herein before setforth to such Person or Persons as your Excellencys shall think fit.
[2]John Rotherham