Petition for a reward for informing against owners of illegal presses
To the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of his Majestys Treasury.
The humble Petition of Tho: Dearsly Citizen and Watchmaker of London.
Most humbly Sheweth.
That your Petitioner gave Information to Mr. Delafaye of divers persons having illegal Presses, such as that which one Mansell had, who for having the same in his Custody was at the last {assizes} at Croydon convicted of High Treason, upon which the said Persons & their Presses were seized, which in the Opinion of the proper officers of the Mint being capable of being made use of in counterfeiting the Current Coyne; the persons so seized are now under Prosecution.
That your Petitioner in this discovery expended a great deal of his time and substance and has gained so much ill will, that he is a considerable sufferer in his Trade & way of business & must inevitably perish unless relieved by your Lordships.
He humbly prays that your Lordshipps will take his case into Consideration & order him such Recompence for this his service & for his trouble & charge as your Lordships in your goodness and wisdom shall think proper.
And your petitioner will ever pray.
I do certify that in Octr. last the Petitioner did bring me Informations against several Persons for keeping unlawfull Presses, which Information I transmitted to the Deputy Warden of the Mint, & that I am credibly informed the said persons are now under prosecuition for the same. Whitehall 10th Decr 1720.
Ch: Delafaye
<463v>{Transfer} 3d Ianry 1720 To the Master & Comptroller of the Mint
Whitehall Treasury Chambers 7th Ianuary 1720
The Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of his Majestys Treasury are pleased to referr this petition to Sir Isaac Newton Master and Worker and Martin Bladen Esquire Comptroller of his Majesty Mint who are to consider the same and Report to their Lordships a true State of the Petitioners case together with their opinion what is fit to be done therein
Mr. Dearsly refer to Master & Comptroller Mint