Petition of the traders of woollen manufactures in Taunton
The Right Honourable Robert Earl of Oxford
Lord High Treasurer of
Great Britain
[1]These Humbly present
<29v-30r>Tauton Iuly 21th: 1714
May it please your Lordship
We whose Names are Subscribed ebing the principal Traders in the Woollen Manufactury of this Town and Country adjacent, and drawing Bills for vast summes of money for the said Manufactures, Crave leave humbly to represent to Your Lordship, That Moyders for some yeares past have been Current with us in all payments at 28s. per pieces and at that price never refus'd to take them on our Bills of Exchange from any of Her Majesties Collectors, whether they be of the Taxes, Excise, Customes {+r} And we have promised always to supply them with good Bills of Exchange for what Moyders they shall receive for her Majesties Revenue at the above said price. Notwithstanding which severall of the Collectors of the Taxes Customes and Excise or Agents under them for some private Interest to themselves design'd have lately attempted and are attempting to Lower the price of Moyders to 27/6d. per pieces, which (if Effected) would prove so very discouraging to the Trade in these parts that the poor could not be Imployed, for the Moyders would soon then be sent hence to London, as the Guineas in great measure have already been, so consequently not halfe Money enough left in these parts to Carry on our Trade, Wherefore as we are willing (for the Encouragement of Trade and Employment of the poor) at all time to supply the Collectors with good Bills of Exchange for what Moyders they shall receive at 28s. per pieces so we hope and humbly pray That your Lordship will give orders that the severall Collectors in these parts do not refuse any in the said price And if they can Object against the Bills of us or any of us the Subscribers they may refuse them and the rest will supply them.
fr: Hobart WSweet Fran: Newton
Ioso: Ieffries Tho: Gunston:
John {illeg} Arthur Towill Edward Minisy
Henry Tanner Ino. Noble Thos: Graunt
Isaac Wolfery
Hugh Baker John Brownjohn Robt: Webb
Samll Garnnidge
James Bridggood John Brownjohn Inr John Brown
Matt Warren. John Blackmore Ino: Blake
Tho. Naylor Tho: BayWell Ino Amrey
Thos: Minisie Char: Tutterdell. Hen: Trott
John Mionney Ios: Berry Ben: Applin
Robt. Clitsome Ios: Markes Robt Slape
Daniel Birkwell
Samll Crocker John Trott
Ionas Pavitt Wm. Swain
<30v>Traders in the Woollen Manufactures about Morders.
29 Iuly 1714
To Officers {of the} Mint
[1] Frank