Copy of letter concerning adjustments to two Ryall pieces
I have read to My Lord Treasurer Your {Letter} of the 5th instant wherein You Report to His Lordship the Value of the weight & fineness of the two Riall pieces of King Charles which was sent You to Examine And his Lordship was thereupon pleased to direct that You consider and frame some Scheme or Method for Comparing or adjusting the Value of the said Money as may be usefull to the Gentlemen who are going as Commissioners from Her Majesty to inspect into the Affaires of Spaine & it being part of the said Commissioners Instructions to Enquire & charge the paymaster with the Difference between the Value of the species which they receive for the Forces there, and the Value of the species in which they pay the said Forces, And also the profit which has been made by recoyning Money of a better into a worse species. I am &c. 6th Octr. 1711
T Harley