
George R:

Whereas the proprietors of our patent for fishing for Wrecks between ten and fifteen Degrees North Latitude which was granted by us to Iacob Row Esqr. have been putting our said patent in Execution and are returned with a Considerable Treasure of Bullion plate silver Coyn and other Goods taken up from a Wreck, in the sea at the Isle of Mayo, whereof one tenth part clear of all Deductions whatsoever is Reserved to Vs, Our Will and pleasure is and wee do here by direct authorize and Command You (together with Iojn Sydenham Esqr: who was appointed our Officer for inspecting the said fishing & securing our part reserved as aforesaid) to go to the house of Andrew Drummond Goldsmith at Charing Cross where (as Wee are informed) the said plate is lodged, and in the presence of such of the Proprietors, or their Agents as shall be at the said house to cause the said Plate to be weigh'd, and to receive and take from them one Tenth part clear of all Deductions whatsoever, and give to the said Proprietors or their Agents a proper Receipt for the same, and transmitt to the Commissioners of our Treasury under your hands a Certificate thereof and you the Master & Worker of our Mint are to carry the Plate so received into our Mint, and to cause the same to be melted into clean Ingotts and then after to be converted into the Current Coyns of this Kingdom & being so Coyned to pay the proceed thereof (Except as hereafter is Excepted) unto our Trusty and well beloved Casper Frederick Hanning Esqr. for the use and service of our privy purse, without account, That is to say, Except so much out of the said proceed as shall be sufficient to defray the Charge of Melting as aforesaid, and so much more as shall be sufficient to satisfie and pay unto the said John Sydenham an Allowance after the rate of Five Pounds per Cent upon the Next Proceed, Which allowance Wee are gatiously pleased to make him towards his service & Charges in attending the said Expedition on our behalf, And for so doing this with the proper Acquittancces shall be as well to you, Our Master & Worker for making the said payments as to our Auditors & all others concerned in allowing thereof on Your Account a sufficient Warrant. Given at Our Court at St. James the first day of November 1721 in the Eighth Year of Our Reign

To our Trusty and wel-beloved Sr. Isaac
Newton Knight Master and Worker of our Mint
& to all other the Officers of our Mint herein concerned
and to John Sydenham Esqr. Our Officer
for inspecting the fishing the wreck
above mentioned

By his Majesties Command

R. Walpole

Geo: Baillie

Cha: Turner

H: Pelham

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

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