Copy of letter from the Mint concerning the transportation of pix from the Edinburgh Mint
To the Most Honourable the Lord High Treasurer of Great Britain
May it please Your Lordship
In obedience to your Lordships order signifyed to us by Mr. Lowndes Letter of the 28 Instant, We have perused the annexed Letter of the earl of Lauderdale General of Her Majestys Mint at Edinburgh touching the Tryal of the pix of that Mint, and are humbly of opinion that Her Majestys Order in Council for trying the same is a sufficient Warrant for transporting it to London, especially if a Duplicate of the said Order with your Lordships signification thereupon be transmitted to the General, Master & Warden of the said Mint, as is usually done to the Officers of the Mint here, and that the manner of transporting it safely be left to the prudence of the General and other officers of the said Mint (no particular order being given to the Officers of the late five Country Mints about the manner of Conveying their pixes to the place of Tryal) and that the Charges thereof be placed in the next Accompt of the Master and Worker as being to be born by Her Majesty.
And We are further humbly of Opinion that the persons that are Intrusted with the Keeping of the Keys of the pix should bring them up themselves, & be present at the Opening of it, & by reason one of them has usually been kept by the Treasury or Treasurer, as the Generals Letter setts forth, that the same be sent or brought up in such a manner as your Lordship shall be pleased to Direct, & that the Master & Worker who is to appear in behalf of the late Master do also attend at the Tryal and that the Coining of the Counterwarden be left to the Discretion of the officers of that Mint
All which is Most humbly submitted to your Lordships great wisdom.