Anonymous, 18 May 1698
May the 18 1698
Edward Jones but his right name is Ivy took on him the name of Jones about 3 years since he lived in a Court near Grays Inn in Liccabone street 3 or 4 years he came for Ireland lived in London near 20 years had an Estate near Wincanton in Somerset there but lost it that sometime before the late Warr there came with Mr. John Hickes to lodge at Examinants house and with his wife and daughter the said Hickes had a Countrey house at litle Chelsea and he first put Examinant on Clipping and coyning with one Cogswell a Gent that lived in London and Edward Brady put him first on Clipping that the Widdow Gardiner used to bring him five Baggs on a day of 100℔ each from a Servant of Sir Stephen Foxe's that he gave her {10s} for every bagg and used to clip the money and take to the value of 5℔ out of each bagg and return it to her and used to sell his Clippings to one Jacob a Goldsmith in {S}hod Lane hears that he now lives under the arch in Lincolns Fields that he gave 5s. 2d or 5s & 3d per oz he used to run it down and allay it and he allways gave it to Jacob rought he sold to Jacob 500℔ worth and dealt with him above 3 years he used also to sell to one that lives an Ironmonger he used to sell him Clipping sheers and sold him also great quantity of silver
John Hickes Cogswell and Brady sold in London to one of the Secretary's and was promissed pardon but not being able to have them taken he could not get his parden and therefore fled here into Ireland
Clippings to the same person that he made a former discoveryHe says that one Chandler goes under the Notion of a Chymist who lives near Charing Cross makes and coyns pistoles and Guineas Examinant has had some of them from him about 4 years since has upwards of 2 pistols and Guineas believes he discovered him in England can bring his wife and severall to Convict him that he had been taken but that of one John Gibbons porter at Whitehall whose busines is to take up Clippers and Coyners gives notice to all Coyners who by that means escape that the said Gibbons gave Examinant notice when Warrants were out against him That one Price a Watchmaker near Charing Cross that used to make the Impression for the Guineas and made all instruments about coyning and heard he made a Mill but never saw it can prove it by Eliz Joones and others
Edward Brady once servant to Sir Maurice Eustace but now lives in St. Ann's parish near Soho he clips and utters the false mill'd money that was made of Copper as while as Silver
One Jennings that marryed the Widdow Noyse or his – brother used to coyn Guineas in England knows him if he sees him
That one Capt. Tuthill was a Clipper and Coyner used to clip in Examinants house in London keeps a Rape Mill but all his servants that he brought over with him are Clippers and Coyners to be heard of at North's house an ale seller in Castle street was told that Chandler came over hither great acquaintance with Tuthill Examinant never clipt nor coyned since he came. says that the clipt money was found in the Trunck was clipt and when found to be Brass they threw them aways says Chandler was the greatest Coyner in England
Mrs Charleton left the Trunk and Tools in his house whom he came acquainted with {her}
<41r>That William Deane who belongs to the Lottery of the Royall Oak is a Great Clipper and Coyner
Elizabeth Jones sold 400 oz of silver Examinant brought with him out of England for 5s. 4d per oz to Cuthbert the Goldsmith {twas} sold when he came fo{r} Ireland
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