Michael Lawson: The Examination of Michael Lawson 30 August 1703
West Rid Com Eboy SsThe Examination of Michael Lawson now in Custody taken this 30.th of Aug.t 1703.
Who saith that he never was guilty of counterfeiting the Currant Coyn of this Realm, and that he never Knew Henry Horsfaile of Lancaster who as he is informed hath accused him for the same, And farther saith that George Town came to his Smithy on Satturday the 28th. of this instant August, and asked him if he had any Ale to sell, to which he reply'd he had not, whereupon the said Town said he would See if he could get any small beere, or something to drink, And he farther saith that before this time he never knew the Said Town, or the person taken at the Same time with him Michael Lawson
John Airey alias verey being at the same time Examined saith, that comeing from Garstang to Clapam 28.th Instant was overtaken by one George Town, and in his way thither he call'd at a Widdow womans next door to Michal Lawsons Smithy and went into her house to get some drink, where he stay'd not above a quarter of an houre, and he farther saith that he never saw George Town or Michael Lawson before that day, and further saith that he was never Guilty of counterfeitjng the coyn of this Kingdome, And that he never knew Henry Horsfaile of Lancaster, who as he is informed hath accused him of the same John his I mark Airey Examiunt et Capt Anno & die suꝑdict coram A: Pudsay