
Com Lancastr Ss.The Information of Christopher Emmerson alias Burrows taken upon Oath before Cha: Rigby Esquire &c.t May 15.th 1704.

Who Informeth and saith that about 6. or 7. Years agoe this Informant became acquainted with Edw.d Yeats of Lock in this County Stapler, Humphrey Henman and Willm Thomson Smith of the same place Shortly after which this Deponent was imploy'd by them from Michaelmas till Midsum̄er following in casting counterfeit Crowns halfe Crownes & shillings, which this Informant cast in the presence of and with the Assistance of the 3. persons beforenamed in very considerable summs, to the vallue of 5.£ or more sometimes in a day, in the whole to a very great summ, all in the similitude of the then new coyn'd Mill'd mony, which they the Said Yeates Henman & Thompson, put of at Kirkby Launsdale Market in Com Westm.er and other places very currently, as they frequently told this Informant but about Midsummer after this Informant being chased from Lock by Mr Justice Wilson, he went into the Bishoprick of Durham, to which Goale he was (about Michaelmas after) com̄ited, and there lay untill the sum̄er Assizes then next following when this Deponent was discharged; and thence removeing to Wigden in Cumberland, this Informant was suspected for conveying away a Silver Tumbler, from the house of one Will Goldsmith, (the sign of the halfe moon in Wigdon) And on search of the same there were found about this Informants was com̄ited to Carlisle Goale by Mr Justice Briscoe, where after he had layn a prisoner near two Years he was discharged without any Indictment being found against him, But this Informant can depose nothing that may be of Service to the Government at any facts com̄ited either in Durham or Cumberland.

From Carlisle this Informant repaired to the house of Richd Fleming, in the County of Westmorland (who haveing before used the art of makeing Counterfeit money) this Informant work'd with him about a fortnight, and in that time made for him (and Instructed him in casting) counterfeit Crown peices and halfe Crowns: and being told that he this Informant was discovered there, he fled into the County of Lancaster near penny bridge in Cartmell parish where being <1v> apprehended was carryed before Mr Justice Sandys & by him com̄itted to Lancaster Castle where being try'd there last lent Assizes was 3. Years for carrying away the Coat of the aforesaid Richard Fleming, this Informant was burnt in the Cheek for the same and there upon discharged from Lancaster Goale, but dureing the time of his confinement in the Said Goale one Anthony Richardson of Wyersdale in this County, brought unto this Informant 2. broad Peices of Copper coyn'd or stampt after the likeness of broad peices of Gold, (which the Said Richardson said he made himself) desireing this Informant to Gild them for him, and for that purpose he left them with this Informant but he never came again for them. - This Informant further saith that after his discharge from Lancaster Castle, he went to Fewley near Beedall in Yorkshire, where this Informant lived for about one Year, and then was again com̄ited to York Goale, and at the last sum̄er Assizes there, being Indicted for a com̄on Cheat or some other misdemeanour, upon which bein fined, this Informant was continued in that prison, till last Easter Monday - This Informant further saith that on Munday the 1.st of this Instant may he went to the house of Thomas Holt near Whaley in this County of Lancast.er whence the Said Thomas Holt and Edward Holt the father sent this Informant to the house of John Ryley a blacksmith about a mile off, to make tooles to coyn and counterfeit money. this Informant did there make Moulds for casting money (Viz) Crowns and halfe Crown peices, and on Thursday tje 4. of this Instant May this Informant did (in the presence of the Said Thomas Holt, Edward Holt John Ryley and his wife and Judith their Daughter, togeather with Samuel Fletcher & Alexan Fletcher and with their Assistance) Actually cast and coyn the sum̄e of 15.£ of those counterfeit Crowns & halfe Crowns: All which sum̄ the Said Thomas Holt tooke into his custody, in order to pay or put of the same to a man near settle in the County of York, which he had by the consent of the rest of the company beforenamed, And on fryday last this Informant carryed the Said Coyning tooles (as namely) Six Iron hoopes fill'd with Lead & Six unfill'd, and one Iron Ladle to the house of Edm̄o Staning near Chipping in this County of Lanc.er husband man, where this Informant beleives the same may be found, this Informant hideing the same there with the assistance and privity of the Said Edm.o Staring; this Informant says he first contracted acquaintance with the before named Edw.d Holt and Edm.o Staring; dureing this Informants last Imprisonment in Lanc.er Goale: Capt. et jurat &ct. coram Charles Rigby                               Christoꝑ his X mark Emerson

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