Incomplete draft of MINT00569 (Mint 19/2/268-9)
An Account of the Gold & Silver coyned at his majestys Mint in the Tower of London from Lady day 1713 to Lady day 1715, & of the Gold & Silver remaining in the Tower in order for coynage at Lady day 1715, & of the Denominations & species in which the said Gold & Silver were brought into the Tower.
From Lady day 1713 to Lady day 1715 there were coyned 44179 pounds weight Troy of standard Gold, & 3899 pounds weight Troy of standard silver. This Gold at forty four Guineas & an half to the pound weight Troy & one pound one shilling & six pence to the Guinea, amounted in tale to 2113412li. 18s. 3d. And the silver at three pounds & two shillings to the pound weight Troy amounted to 12086li. 18s. 6d0
At Lady day 1715 there remained in the Tower to be coyned 6464Lwt. 11oz. 2dwt. 5gr of standard gold, & 278Lwt. 4oz. 11dwt of standard silver. And this gold at the rate above mentioned will make in tale 309265li. 17s. 7d, & the silver will make 862li. 19s. 06d.
<33v>By repentance from dead works he means repentance from idolatry ambition covetousness & unchastity. For we promise in baptism to forsake the devil & all his works the pomp & covetous desires of the world & the carnal desires of the flesh. That devil who is opposed to God Resist the Devil & he will fly from you
God hath commanded us that we should have no other Gods them himself that is in our worship. We may give the name of Gods to other Beings as is frequently done in scripture. Aaron shall be to thee a mouth & thou shalt bee to him a God Exod IV. 16. See I have made thee a God to Pharaoh & Aaron thy brother shall be thy Prophet Exod. VII. I. The Lord your God is Gold of GODS Dan. XI. 36. I have said thee are Gods but thee shall dye like me Psal LXXXII. 6. Is it not written in your law, I said thee are Gods If he called them Gods unto who whom the word of God came & scripture cannot be broken &c John X. 34, 35. Thou shalt not revile the Gods nor curse the ruler of thy people Exod XXII 28 Then Manoah knew that he was an Angel of the Lord & Manoah said, We shall dye because we have seen Gold Iudg. XIII. 22. The Angel of the Lord appeared unto Moses in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush — & said, I am the God of thy father &c Exod III. 2, 6. There are Gods many & Lords many I Cor. VIII. 5. They heard the voyce of the Lord God walking in the Garden Gen.. III. 8. Angels & Princes who have power & dominion over us we may call Gods but we are to have no other Gods in our worship but him who in the fourth commandment is said to have made the heaven & earth; which is the character of God the father. In this sense the Apostle tells us that an Idol is nothing in the world & that there is none other God but one. For tho, saith he, there, be that are called Gods whether in heaven or in earth (as there be Gods many & Lords many) yet to us there is but one God, the father of whom are all things & we in him; & one Lord Iesus Christ by whom are all things & we by him. 1 Cor VIII. One God whom we are to worship as the father & author of all things the God who sits upon the throne in the Temple & whom the people & their elders represented by the four Beasts & 24 Elders worship by giving him glory & honour & thanks & saying thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory & honour & power for thou hast created all things & for thy pleasure they are & were created. And one Lord Lord Iesus Christ before whom the four Beasts & 24 Elders fall down & worship as the Lord the Messiah or Christ saying with a loud voyce, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power & riches & wisdome & strength & honour & glory & blessing. They worship each with a proper incommunicable worship the father as the God who made heaven & earth & sitteth upon the throne, & the son as the Lamb who was slain saying Blessing & honour & glory & power be unto him that sitteth upon the throne & unto the Lamb for ever.