
To the Right Honourable the Lord High Treasurer of England.

May it please your Lordship

In obedience to your Lordships Reference of 23 Novembr last we have enquired into the Case of Mr Antony Redhead late Master & Worker of the Mint at Norwich and find it truly stated in the annexed paper on which the said Reference is endorsed. And particularly by the Day-books of that Mint & the Cashbooks of Mr Redhead & his Clerk & another book composed & signed by the Warden of that Mint we find that Mr Redhead upon the breaking up of that Mint was indebted 2497li 16s 3d to Mr Leonard Blofeld for hammered money at 5s per ounce.

And whereas in discharge of this debt he produces three Receipts for 2500li paid to Mr Blofelds Order out of that Mint the one dated Aug. 26 1697 for 500li the other two dated Aug 30 & Sept. 1 1697 for 1000li each: we find that Mr Blofeld did within three weeks after, vizt 22 Sept 1697 account with Mr Redhead for what monies he had then received out of that Mint & endorsed the whole amounting to 14922li on two printed Mint Tickets but neglected to take up & cancell his Receipts of some of them, & we humbly conceive that the said three Receipts were then accounted for & are discharged by the said endorsement & ought not to be insisted on any further and Mr Redhead does not any longer insist peremptorily upon them but submits them to your Lordships Wisdom. They are in the form of private Receipts & so cannot be allowed by an Auditor as Vouchers

We further lay before your Lordship that Mr Redhead at the conclusion of that Mint was indebted to Mr Chaplin a Receiver of the Land Tax for 2573oz. 5dwt. of hammered money at 5s per ounce the summ of 643li. 6s. 3d, & that in Mr Chaplins Account which is past & declared & a Quietus obtained Mr Redhead is set insuper & that only at 5s per ounce.

Mr Redhead was also indebted to four other Receivers Mr Briggs, Mr Rendal, Mr Clark & Thorowgood in the respective summs of 882li. 7s. 6d, 1277li. 16s. 3d, 431li. 2s. 6d & 40li. 6s. 3d. for all which his Receipts stand out against him. And these & all the other debts above mentioned for silver imported amount to 5772li. 15s. 00d, part of which debt has arisen from the application of the Importers money to other services of the Mint for which he has allowance in his Accompt now ready to be laid before your Lordship & for the Remainder Mr Neale is to be set insuper & his Administrix or security to be charged therewith, Mr Redhead seeming poor & unable to make satisfaction, & not unfit to be set at liberty upon baile so soo as it may be done by the consent of all parties concerned.

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Professor Rob Iliffe
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