Copy of a letter from Newton to Henry Oldenburg, dated 13 June 1676
Sir I have here sent you the letter I promised concerning these series. It is blotted in some places but rather then write it over fair, I have set down here the places less legible. p.1, l: 17, . lin: 34, . p. 4, l: 35, . lin 36, p: 6, l:3, p: 7, l 14, Quare . lin: 40, in DP cape . lin 42 , lin 43 .
I received yours concerning Mr Lucas, for whom I intend an answer. But he referring in the Postscript to the R. societie's tryal of the Experiment, I desire you would be pleased to send me some short information about their tryal: particularly the shape of their Image as to length & breadth, & the angle of {their Prism conteined} by the refracting sides, & whether they caused that angle to be very exactly measured, or {esteemed it by guesse} a less exact measure to be any number of degrees . For I imagin the difference between me & Mr Lucas lies either in the different angles of our Prisms; or in this that he perhaps measures the length of the Image by the streight sides, I by the middle line or axis; or in both together. In his experiments which he urges against me you'l find want of circumspection. Sir I am in hast
Your humble Servant
Is. Newton.
June 13 1676
Rec. June 13. 76. Answ. june 17. 76.